Are you considering temporarily homeschooling?
Some people know they will homeschool before their children are born. Some begin homeschooling after their children spend some time in school, but then they decide to homeschool "forever"—or at least, for years. Others decide to take it "a year at a time," but the implication is that if it works out, homeschooling will be ongoing.
And then there are short-term homeschoolers: people who homeschool for a summer, a semester, or a year, knowing their children will return to school. Many of them consider themselves accidental homeschoolers.
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Can I homeschool my child temporarily?
Yes, you can homeschool temporarily. If you are considering short-term homeschooling, you can know that other families are also homeschooling for a specific duration, although their reasons may be different.
You can homeschool for a summer, a semester, a year, or even for a few years knowing that it will only be temporary. Many people meet their children's educational needs with an interlude of planned homeschooling even though their children will spend most of their years attending public or private school.
What are some reasons for temporary homeschooling?
- Negative school situation. Parents often want to do short term homeschooling in order to get their children out of a negative school situation that has shown no promise of improvement, despite concerted efforts on the part of parent and child. This can include homeschooling because of bullying by other children, humiliation by a poor teacher, a dangerous atmosphere, poor grade placement, exceedingly long bus rides, or failure of a school to carry out IEPs for children who have special needs. In other words, it's situational, and parents want to do something else because the current situation is untenable.
- School refusal. Some kids are so uncomfortable with school attendance that they refuse to attend. Homeschooling may be seen as a short-term measure that can continue a child's education even as the parent hopes that the child will be willing to attend school in the future.
- Academic remediation. Homeschooling is efficient and effective. Some families want to homeschool only because their child is considered behind by school standards in specific academic skills or knowledge, and they feel extra time working one-on-one with a parent or tutor will provide the academic boost that is needed. Their plan is to re-enroll their child in school when she or he has "caught up." Many people who are homeschooling for remediation will take it on as "summer schooling" if not for a full semester or year. If you are interested in homeschooling to remediate academic problems, you will want to read about homeschooling the child who is behind in school.
- Special needs. Some families may homeschool when their child's special needs are not being met through a specific school. These parents should consider whether their child is being encouraged to homeschool and pushed out by their school. However, sometimes bypassing a particular school that has been more uncooperative or has fewer resources may be an overall benefit, even if the child will be re-enrolled when she or he ages into a different school. Homeschooling children who have been labeled as having ADD or ADHD may give those kids an environment that is more conducive to their learning style.
- Parent's health. When a parent has a serious health problem or terminal illness, maximizing a child's time with the parent may make a lot of sense. That parent may not be able to be the one who is "in charge of" the child's homeschooling, but a family may benefit from time spent together during a special few months or an uncertain year. Of course, the adults need to consider the child's desires and ability to be in a situation that may feature frequent crises, suffering, and hard times. Still, there may be no substitute for having generous time to love one another when time is not going to be so generous in the long run.
- Child's physical health. Homeschooling children who have chronic illnesses or serious injuries can make a lot of sense. While public schools do offer homebound instruction, some families find it inflexible and unrealistic, or not enough resources are provided because of a school's financial limitations. Some families simply switch to homeschooling while their children heal or recover strength. Homebound and homeschooling are distinct and are governed by separate laws; if you plan to homeschool a child for health reasons who was previously receiving homebound instruction, in most states you cannot simply "unofficially slide" from one to the other. You should learn your state's laws for homeschooling.
- Child's emotional and mental health. This has been alluded to earlier -- a child who is bullied at school or who is refusing to attend school may have emotional challenges that will be helped by getting them out of the school situation. However, there are also other mental health challenges, such as depression, anxiety, and other conditions which may be difficult to treat when a child is in school. Homeschooling allows a family to prioritize emotional health, even over academic achievement.
- Reconnection. Related to emotional health, some parents find their children in school are drifting away from valuing family relationships. They spend a lot of time with peers and adults who are not part of the family, and they are busy with friends, homework, or activities -- some of which may be positive and some of which may be negative. Parents want an opportunity for their kids to reconnect through generous family time.
- Behavior problems. Related to the need to reconnect, emotional health, and possible peer dependence, some parents want to address a child's negative behavior that has been occurring in school. It can be difficult for parents to know the full situation around behavior problems they can't see. Having a child at home can provide valuable information about the root of behavior issues, as well as time to help a child learn to manage. Some parents see that schools are dealing with many children and may take an adversarial role with kids who do not behave as expected. At home, parents may choose to be allies with their children in helping them learn more positive behavior. Some children benefit from extra time to work with therapists or be in an environment that is less stressful and more likely to reinforce positive behavior.
- A break. Some parents simply feel that their kids will benefit from a break from regular school. They want their children to have an opportunity to get away from school requirements and constraints, so they can experience a more relaxed schedule or learning dedicated to their own interests. Parents might sense their child is losing touch with authentic interests or burning out from having nose-to-the-grindstone. They want their child to take a leave of absence and return to school refreshed after a long break, with renewed curiosity.
- Unique opportunity. Sometimes a special opportunity comes along that school simply cannot accommodate. Perhaps your family is going to travel cross country in an RV. Perhaps a special mentor is going to become available in your child's special area of interest. Maybe there is a life or learning opportunity that a parent wants to create—or that a child is seeking—that will be unique and valuable. Learning within the family often fits these opportunities far better than attending the same brick and mortar school on the same schedule each day, week, and month. Homeschooling can flex around these opportunities.
- Frequent moves. Military families and others who know they will experience multiple short-term moves sometimes choose to homeschool during the period when they expect the most transitions. While they intend for their children to attend school in the future, they believe their children will do better with the consistency of homeschooling through the physical moves, rather than starting over at multiple schools within several years. Read more in my article about homeschooling and moving.
- Natural disaster. Schools are not immune to hurricanes and fires. While communities often try to rally quickly to hold classes in alternative locations when schools are damaged or destroyed, some parents prefer to keep their children home until a new school setting becomes permanent. They want to spare the child the numerous transitions or help deal with a child's anxiety about the hurricane, earthquake, flood, or fire.
Some of these reasons for short-term homeschooling may be born of desperation; others may be born of optimism.
For some, homeschooling short-term is a decision of last resort—parents do not see another option that is positive for their child, and they are anxious to have him or her back in school as soon as possible. For others, homeschooling is seen as something they'd love to continue to do, but financial obligations or other scenarios block consideration of longer-term homeschooling.
What are the logistics of temporary homeschooling?
It is legal in every state to start homeschooling at any time during the year. Regulations for home education are set by the state government and vary from state to state.
Requirements range from none at all in permissive states to stricter requirements in more regulated states, including applying for permission, registration/notification of homeschooling, taking attendance, providing proof of progress from a standardized test or evaluation, and more. The administration in your local school district (usually the superintendents are the responsible parties) is typically charged with the implementation of the state requirements.
We recommend following the guidance of your state homeschool organization with regard to legal compliance as they are usually the most familiar with both the homeschool laws and way they are implemented locally.
Some of the things you will want to consider are what your daily schedule will look like, what homeschool curriculum or resources you will use, and how to keep track of your records throughout the school year. Organization looks different for each family; our ultimate guide to homeschool organization has lots of ideas to help.
Is temporary homeschooling the same as homeschooling for the long haul?
Although it may appear that homeschooling is homeschooling, the reality is quite a bit different. Parents should be aware of the limitations of short-term homeschooling, even as their children may also reap some potential benefits.
Families that are homeschooling temporarily often forego the most significant benefits of homeschooling because they want or need the safety net of keeping their child ready to reenter school. In order to facilitate a smooth transition back to school, parents may end up replicating traditional school methods at home or enrolling in an online school instead of embracing the freedom to choose from a variety of homeschooling styles or approaches.
Parents holding onto a "return to school" safety net are less likely to take advantage of things like:
- Helping their child with contextual learning or pursuing passions.
- Following interest-led learning, which leads to developing skills and knowledge across all academic areas.
- Downplaying weaknesses in ways that can make a child gain confidence through strengths-based learning.
- Building inquiry-based learning into their days, helping kids grow their critical thinking, which is a huge benefit of homeschooling.
- Recognizing their own expertise on what their children need.
The long-term commitment to homeschooling allows parents to let go of school-based expectations and fully embrace the benefits of homeschooling in ways that take advantage of the uniqueness of homeschool freedom.
Read about what to keep in mind if you are considering homeschooling for the long haul.
And remember, even though you may be unlikely to do all the things a longer-term homeschooler might do, meeting your child’s needs by homeschooling temporarily is a true gift to your child. We call this homeschooling’s Power of Now, which happens when you take action to help your child thrive today.
What about returning to school?
For a full overview of what you may encounter upon re-enrollment in public school, read When Your Child Goes from Homeschooling to Public School. If you have a high school student, be aware that there are special considerations when transferring homeschool credits to public school.
Don't misunderstand what your local school means when they say that your child can return to public high school. Parents of teens taking courses for high school credit need to be aware that while public high schools do have to let teens enroll after homeschooling, they do not have to accept credit for high school work done at home.
The difference between agreeing to enroll a student and agreeing to accept credit for work done is significant, and many parents have been caught off-guard thinking that the promise of re-enrollment was the same as the promise of accepting credit. If you find yourself in that position, know that you have options.
We strongly recommend that the choice to homeschool high school be a commitment for all of the high school years. From creating homeschool transcripts to what to do when mom's not an expert on the subject matter, we have resources to smooth your path all the way through issuing a high school diploma and graduation.
The bottom line is that school is in charge of school. You may find your school accommodating, but ultimately the decisions are up to the school administration.
Some short-term homeschoolers I have met during my twenty years of homeschooling have ended up homeschooling a little longer than expected! You never know.
How do I subscribe to the newsletter as well as the Ask Jeanne column? You seem so knowledgeable in this subject and we are amidst transition of short term homeschooling and considering the long term pros and cons. We are in Virginia and are in transition at the end of a school year. Would you recommend staying Virtual with public school (k12, virtual va, etc) or actual homeschool? Any recommendations for middle school curriculum? Should we start during the summer months? Thanks so much your insights are helpful.
Hi Theresa,
We'd love for you to sign up for TheHomeSchoolMom newsletter.
Most kids who have been in school really look forward to a break from school during the summer. Beginning homeschooling in summer might be an unwelcome way to make the transition. That said, you could do a lot of activities suggested in our Tips for Deschooling article.
Staying with K12 public-school-at-home is helpful if you have a high schooler who definitely intends to return to public school during the high school years. Public high schools do not always accept credit for work done at home while homeschooling at the high school level.
Otherwise, we loved the flexibility and benefits of homeschooling.
Good luck with your decision!
Looking forward,
Hello. We are traveling abroad for 4 months in the fall. What program do you recommend for one semester of grades 10, 12 and 7. My senior is taking two college courses over the summer to fulfill his government and Speech credits.
I'm not sure whether your kids are enrolled in public school or homeschooling.
If they are enrolled in school and plan to continue in/return to public school after the semester abroad, you actually need to ask the school (especially the high school) what they will accept for credit. Homeschooling advocates don't have any insight into what individual high schools may accept. It may not matter for the 7th grader, but it will almost definitely matter for the 10th and 12th graders.
You may be unaware that public high schools often do not recognize credits from homeschooling. Read our article Transferring Homeschool Credits to Public High School for a more complete picture.
If your kids intend to continue homeschooling and graduate from high school as homeschoolers, I would not do a "program" at all. I'd recommend providing resources that help your kids learn in the context of their travel. For example, in my family, we'd focus on learning the language, history, culture, scientific innovations, ecology, climate, flora and fauna, etc. of the place(s) we were visiting. We'd translate that learning to credits on their transcripts. We'd use books, articles, internet resources, museums, personal encounters, and experiences to deepen the learning. Any "program" would just distract from that.
The latter would certainly be an amazing and authentic learning experience and so well received on college apps; however, it's not likely that a public school will be able to fit that into their system of courses and credits like a homeschooler would. Thus, if the kids are returning to school, you need to ask the school how to earn credits during that semester that will be acceptable to them.
Sounds like a wonderful opportunity!
Looking forward,
I am Deaf Mom with a Deaf Child who is 3 years old - I have been wanting to Home Schooling my kid for years - so I am still interested in doing Home Schooling my son, curious - what step to step I need to do?
My son knows his ABC's, Colors, Sunday-Saturday, 1-10's...I have different chart postures for him to learn & memorize and flashcards too as well. Still practicing writing his name, ABC's & 1-10's.
I live in a small country town & no transportation.
So, I would like to do Home Schooling for my child to keep me busy & really do enjoy teaching my child by seeing how much he is learning.
Hi Melissa,
Wonderful to hear of your interest in homeschooling. As parents, we are always learning and networking on behalf of our kids. As a homeschooling parent of a Deaf child, you will want to find resources and support on two fronts—homeschooling and supporting a Deaf child's learning. Sounds like you are already well-versed in supporting your child's learning! You will just continue this, adapting as your child grows and moves into new phases of life.
As for homeschooling, you will be able to find lots of information to get you started in our Homeschooling Guide for Parents. As you will see in our guide, an important first step is finding out the homeschool laws where you live.
Because you don't have transportation, you'll want to think about ways for you and your child to enjoy and learn from your community together. Many homeschooling families keep quite busy with outside activities, but plenty of others live in rural areas and don't do as as much, or they don't start when their children are as young as yours. Still, over time, you'll want your child to understand how to get along in town and to be able to use community resources like the library, if your town has one.
Enjoying teaching and seeing our children learn are certainly among the joys of homeschooling! You are off to a good start!
Looking forward,
Hello! Thank you so much for your article and guidance! I have a 7th grader who I would like to pull out for the last 2 months of school and homeschool due to an out of state move. I looked at the state laws for where we are moving, but when she starts public school again in the fall do I have to provide her current public school transcripts and create a separate transcript from when I homeschool her? Thank you so much again!
Thank you for your article. I am an accidental homeschooler who is a single mom of a 17 year old who completed the firar semester of her 11th grade year but due to a move and not being able to find housing right away I chose to home school her for the remainder of the year in lieu of her not being enrolled in public school. Unfortunately, it's too late in the year for her to get accepted in the online schools but she thinks she wants to complete her high school career next year homeschooled online. I'm at a loss of where to find free quality curriculum as money is an issue. So far we have used Khan Academy but their offerings are limited. Any suggestions?
Hi Alesia,
Online homeschooling can be offered through public school, private school, or through companies and platforms serving homeschoolers. (Sometimes one company or "academy" will serve all three types of students). For next year, you might want to look into whether your state board of education or local school division offers a virtual school that is funded by tax dollars but free to families. This approach to education is not always flexible because you still have to follow school rules, testing, etc., but for a student who learns well with this approach and a family on a budget, virtual public school (also known as public-school-at-home) might be a fit.
To finish out this year (or if the virtual public school doesn't work out), you might try Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool Curriculum, DiscoveryK-12, or C-K12.
Looking forward,
I have a 14yr old son who's in the 7th grade that im going to start homeschooling.. Help me please.
Hi Sarah,
Congratulations on your decision to homeschool. Take a deep breath and start reading: we have so much information to help you here at TheHomeSchoolMom.
Start with Homeschooling 101 and read the linked articles.
Also, because you have a seventh grader. I advise reading our article about transferring homeschooling credits to public high school. Some of the choices you make in the next few years could affect your child's high school years, so it's better to know the lay of the land ahead of time.
Good luck with your homeschooling!
Looking forward,
Please help me! I have 2 teenage girls who are not in school for various reasons mostly bullying , but I need a program please! They will home school I just need help to get started. I am 64 yr old grandma who adopted my grands. Please respond
Hi Nina - You sound like a dedicated grandparent. Our quickstart guide to homeschooling will help you get started. While there is no single program we can recommend ("best" is a relative term depending on many factors), we have lots of information that can help you choose a program for your granddaughters:
- How to Choose Curriculum
- Homeschool Curriculum Reviews
- Online Schooling
You may also want to read over our information about transferring homeschool high school credits into public school in case you are considering a return to public school later.
Best wishes to you and your granddaughters - high school is a great time to start homeschooling!
Me and my husband concerning to take 3 months off next year (June-August) from work and go for trip around the world. We have 2 kids (one is in Primary School and second one in Secondary School). Primary School already said that we need to withdraw our son from school and they can't guarantee that they will have a space for him next year. I haven't ask Secondary School, yet. What is the best way to do it to make sure they still have a space at school? Thanks
This is a question that only the school can answer for you.
Hi I have 2 kids who missed out on their 2nd term, and have not been attending third term and I want them to finish this year and nxt year get registered at public school
I feel slightly better that there is a phrase to describe me as a soon-to-be new Homeschool Mom!
Thank you for such a wonderful website. I've been overwhelmed for the past few weeks, but am finally getting my arms around some of this.
Hi Ro - I'm glad this was helpful!
Dear Mary Ann Kelley
I am a health assistant in a small community school. my grandson is living with grandpa and I and he is 7 with special needs. I have asked for almost 1 1/2 years for a testing on him. His teachers, counselors think as I do that he has ADD and Dyslexia. They have not responded to my request at all. We are comtemplating homeschooling him but I will need to transfer to another job that lets me be home with him but it will be at the cost of 5000. dollars and we are desperately trying to retire in 2 years. we are in our mid 60's and 2 years will get us out of debt with monies for other beginnings. I need some advise . He needs special help and I am caught up in his needs and our retirement which monies should not matter but I dont want to have to work till i am 70.sos
Hi Joette,
Schools are often reluctant to spend money on testing and providing services. I personally had the experience of a school continually putting off testing in favor of "let's wait and see" and "let's try this." If schools do testing that shows a need, then they may be required to provide services, so from a budgetary point of view, it's better if they don't know. This may not even be purposeful on the part of the school administrators; it may be because they have such limited funds to help students that they really must triage to serve the students who need help the most or whose parents are most demanding.
Many parents and guardians have to become quite learned in the ways of the school system, educated about student rights, and very vocal about their children's needs.
This article does not fit your scenario perfectly because you're not describing the school as suggesting you homeschool, but I think there are some ideas and links in our article about Pushouts that might help you think this through. The bottom line is that the school is responsible for meeting the needs of your student. The other bottom line is that they may not meet their responsibility. Whether you will homeschool or whether you can engage the school in a way where they meet his needs remains to be seen. You may need a school advocate who can help you navigate special needs laws, which is outside our expertise here at TheHomeSchoolMom. If you decide to homeschool, which I know is a big decision with financial impact, we do have a lot of resources that can help you.
Thinking of you,
My 8th grader is having anxiety issues with 1 particular teacher. We've gone the route of talking to the teacher - we were shut down and dismissed. We've had to take her to therapy, pediatrician - it's all documented. My husband is a mathematician and wants to homeschool her in the 1 subject, Algebra 1. Is it possible to do 1 subject and keep her in school for the remaining subjects?
Kim, if you want your daughter to receive school credit for work done at home, then you have to meet the requirements of the school division. Thus, your question is best directed to school administrators. While homeschooling is legal in all 50 states and many countries, that doesn't mean that public schools are required to accept for work done at home.
Another option that may work is homebound instruction. If your daughter has a documented medical problem, she may qualify for homebound services provided by the school division, which schools provide to students who have illnesses and injuries that make it impossible to attend school. Homebound instruction (which could have a slightly different name where you live) is completely separate from homeschooling, which is independent from school. Homebound instruction is expensive for school divisions, and they may be reluctant to offer it. Some students struggle with homebound instruction because, depending on the level of service, a teacher may only be checking in periodically and students have to do a lot of work on their own at home. If your school division agreed to provide homebound instruction, your husband could essentially tutor your daughter through the material, and she would receive school credit.
The problem is, the school is likely to state that if she can attend other classes, she does not qualify for homebound instruction.
Another angle may be to work with the school to establish and IEP or 504 Agreement that would require the school to make different arrangements to accommodate her documented anxiety. TheHomeSchoolMom does not have expertise in these public school programs, so you need to do some research to find out how they might help your daughter. Again, these are expensive for schools, so some parents hire advocates who specialize in helping students get the services they need. Other schools are more helpful, working with parents whose kids need some accommodations.
Your questions are more "school questions" rather than "homeschooling questions," though I understand why you are looking outside the box. If you have not spoken to an administrator or guidance counselor at the school, that would be a good next step.
I am seriously thinking of starting to home school my 14 year old son. He was born with a cleft lip and palette and in the 6 years he lived with his father he was barely at a kindergarten level in reading. I've had him back 3 years now and we're up to 4th grade level and climbing. So with both these issues he is bullied and teased by peers and has even had teachers that treat him negatively. So he has started to have anxiety based stomach problems and hates school. In the last school year just over 2 months I tried to get an IEP set up at the beginning so we had a plan from the get, but it turned out to not be a priority for the faculty. Now he's been out for 3 weeks and I've made repeated attempts, 3 emails, 4 phone calls...all asking for an IEP meeting to try and get him back on track, with NO response, except the threats of him being dropped or legal implications. I feel I'm at a point in my life where this is actually feasible and looking for some...validation I guess. I was a good student, did some tutoring in high school, was a substitute teacher for a short time and have a certificate for book keeping. So I feel I am capable. Now my concern is the cost in doing it. I also want to put him back in school next year for 10th grade since we found my older son an awesome high school, since he has similar issues. I just need to get my son through this year and want to make sure I help him thrive as much as I can for this time. So I guess my questions/concerns are 1. Validation 2. Cost 3. Temporary Home schooling.
I appreciate any help you can offer to help me get started.
Many parents homeschool successfully without specific educational background or teaching experience. If you qualify under your state law, you can homeschool. If you pay attention to how your child learns best and research different ways to homeschool, you can help him learn. Many "regular ol' parents" do an amazing job with their kids, and that's possible for you as well.
Homeschooling does not have to be expensive. There is some opportunity cost if you have to cut back on work hours. There can be childcare or supervision cost for working parents who can no longer count on school as childcare or to occupy a teen's time. This may or may not apply with your son. Many people homeschool extremely frugally, using a free curriculum or putting together their own studies and getting resources from the library. Of course, other people spend money on tutors, activities, packaged curricula, new books, community classes, and programs. This is something that varies so much that there is no way for me to tell you how much it will cost you. You have to do the research on curriculum , think about any activities or services he would participate in, and decide what he needs and what you can afford.
If your son is 14, there are some pros and cons to starting to homeschool if he is considered to be in high school. Please read my article on the Bad News and Good News of Homeschooling High School. In many places, schools do not have to accept credit for work done at home. If he is in 9th grade now and you withdraw him to homeschool, the school may say he has to repeat 9th grade because they do not "recognize" the work he did while homeschooling. This is a concern to take very seriously. On the other hand, if you simply want him to improve his skills and both of you recognize he could have to repeat a grade once he returns to school, it might be worthwhile. You need to talk to school officials about this and get any agreement you make in writing, understanding that even that may not be enforceable if school personnel change.
If your school is not following your son's IEP, you have to consider whether your son is actually being quietly pushed out of school. Please read my article on push-outs from school. Some parents decide to threaten or commit to legal action to require a school to meet IEPs; others decide to homeschool because their child goes so long without their needs being met.
Good luck! You sound determined, and your son is lucky to have you on his side.
I am going for home school for my daughter 5 yrs just because we moved to a new place and county referred us a school for her around 6 miles away although they providing pick b drop too , but problems is that my daughter has got motion sickness . She need to take medicine in that situation . I informed my prob with them but they said the only option is that home schooling . I m so worried for her n trying to move some where else just becaus of school but afraid that can she start her school again after some time or she have to wait till next year.
Hi: I am homeschooling my 9 and 8 years old daughters , my first language is Spanish and they speak English because they learned English when they were going to public schools. But I am worry they will loose their English because even though I try to speak English ( with an accent) they now don't have an English speaking teacher even though the curriculum I use is only English. Thank you for your help.
Lourdes, speaking both English and Spanish should be an advantage to your children. To insure they continue to grow in their English, you could take them to activities where English is spoken. For example, storytime at the library, volunteering, 4H meetings, church services in English, etc. You could also take them to the park or invite English-speaking children over to play. They don't necessarily need to be taught in English if they get exposure to English through immersive activities.
My son will be a senior next year and we are thinking of homeschooling him because of a medical procedure he will be having. We want him to have a normal senior year. Is it possible to homeschool him for a year while he undergoes the surgery and recovers and then send him back to school the following year as a senior?
This is in Arizona.
Also, he is a good student 3.85 gpa and I'm not sure if doing a 5th year of high school will look bad on college transcripts. Any thoughts on that?
Hi Jaime,
You should talk to homeschool experts in Arizona, and you should talk to administrators at your son's school. In Virginia, where I live, we could take a year off to homeschool and then send a child back to school, but there would be few ways to insure a student would get credit for work done at home, and most students who homeschool for a year of high school do NOT get credit for work done at home. If you don't mind that, because you are essentially expecting him to "repeat" 12th grade anyway, I think you will have fewer issues because you're not trying to get a public high school diploma with one year's worth of credits done through home education. The problem would be if you were attempting to have him "graduate with his class" that he has been in throughout high school.
Is it possible that instead of (or as part of) homeschooling, he could take a community college class or two through dual enrollment? This may not fit with his medical needs, but it would certainly look good to colleges. You might also give him the year to do some really unique project rather than traditional credits, if he will actually be completing all required credits at his high school. You should certainly contact college admissions offices at his potential colleges to ask about this, but I think that taking community college classes and doing some special project during a medically intense year between junior and senior years of high school would probably enhance rather than detract from his applications. Some homeschoolers do five years of high school without ill effect, but you could also position it as an early "gap year," taken due to medical need. If he has some passion that he could explore during that year, that could be amazing. For example, if he's a musician, he could try to produce original work. If he's into the environment, he could conduct research on local streams. If he's into coding, he could try to create apps, and so on. Again, not saying the HIGH SCHOOL would accept this as credit-worthy, but it sounds like he may not need the credits if he's actually going to end up taking all his classes at school anyway.
Again, talk to homeschoolers in your state, to your school's administrators, and to college admissions reps.
Hi. We live in Georgia. I'm having trouble finding a free online homeschool program that will allow my son to complete the 2nd semester of 8th grade. A lot of them won't allow enrollment mid year. The ones that do aren't free. Any suggestions?
Hi Kristin,
A lot of homeschooling is not done through "enrollment" in a program. When you "enroll," you are going to be subject to fees and enrollment policies such as what time of year new students are admitted. Many homeschoolers help their kids learn at home without any kind of enrollment. They may purchase a curriculum or learn how to use an approach to homeschooling that does not require a curriculum per se: kids might read books, do projects, and follow their interests instead of enrolling anywhere or using a formal curriculum. Additionally, most homeschoolers don't divide their year into semesters or terms at all. Some don't even use grade levels (because kids may be doing 7th grade work in one subject but reading at a college level and doing 10th grade chemistry, as an example).
It sounds to me like you are looking for a specific program that would replace school for one semester. If your child is definitely planning to return to school at the end of 8th grade, is it possible that your school division has a public-school-at-home program that would fit? Many of those programs are NOT legally "homeschooling" (it depends on how your state law is written), but because of that, they may be funded by the school, which provides computer-based learning paid for with their dollars. The downside to this is, there is much less flexibility than with independent homeschooling. And yes, that might include only accepting students at the beginning of the year.
If your child is homeschooling really short-term, you may want to use the books he would have otherwise used in school. Some parents are able to borrow books from the school division or get a list from a guidance counselor and then find the books online.
Easy Peasy homeschool is a free online Christian curriculum that has an 8th grade option, but as far as I know, it doesn't divide itself neatly into semesters in the way you may be thinking.
While it may not matter for 8th grade, and it does not matter for those who homeschool for high school, be aware that in many states, learning done at home during the high school years (grades 9, 10, 11, 12) does not have to be acknowledged if a student returns to public school. This can affect 8th graders if they are doing algebra or foreign language, which are commonly offered to 8th graders for high school credit. If your son is doing either of those in 8th grade, you will want to find out EXACTLY what your school division wants done for those classes if he's expecting to earn high school credit for them. A free online homeschool program may not be acceptable to the school division when it comes time to awarding credit. (Someone who is homeschooling through all the years of high school doesn't have to worry about this; someone who is returning to high school and expecting to graduate from public school DOES have to consider this).
I have a first grader, a kindergartner, and a preschooler. I used to be a high school teacher in private school, but I am very unfamiliar with the public school system which my kids have recently entered. We have the unbelievable opportunity to travel frequently, made possible by the flexibility of my job and my husband’s, as well as the adventurous spirit and generosity of my parents. So here’s my question: rather than run afoul of the state’s attendance laws each year (Tn), is it Possible for me to homeschool my elementary aged children for part of each school year? In other words, could they spend the first semester each year in school, and then be homeschooled for the second semester so that we can also travel for extended periods each spring/summer? And if so, What steps would I have to take to do that?
Hi Sheila,
From a homeschooling point of view, this is certainly potentially possible. You would need to check your state homeschooling laws to see if they allow mid-year withdrawal to homeschool and what that procedure is. In many states, you can begin homeschooling any time of year. The best source of information about homeschool laws is your state homeschool organization.
It's possible that some administrators at your kids' school would see the benefit of the amazing travel, or it's possible that they would see an annual un-enrollment to homeschool as negative or even just an administrative task that is a pain in the neck for them. I suggest you speak with them to find out whether they might "hold it against you" even if they are legally required to cooperate with multiple enrollments and unenrollments. Then you'd just have to decide whether that will have a negative impact on your kids during the time they are in school. (For example, they might not get a favored teacher or be enrolled in certain programs).
It may help you to know that many families do move back and forth between homeschooling and public education multiple times for other reasons, including changing family situations, health crises, and individual childen's development. Your reason for doing this would be different, but the steps you would take to make it legal would be the same.
The travel sounds wonderful when considering the experience, educational value, and connections your kids would build with you and your husband. You may find the transitions into and out of school go smoothly for the kids, or you may find they struggle with the freedom to learn without school for part of the year and the constraints of school the other part of the year. Or they may love the schooly aspects of school and move into it refreshed and ready for a school approach to learning.
The travel sounds like a great opportunity, and I can promise you that most homeschoolers wouldn't think twice about taking advantage of it if they could!
Hi i was wandering if i could homeschool my daughter shes in 8th but not doing good with her having adhd?
Hi Shawn,
Homeschooling is legal in the U.S. for all parents and kids, in every state, so yes, you CAN homeschool your daughter. Homeschooling does help with ADHD. Since she is in 8th grade, you should look into the special circumstances of homeschooling for high school.
To homeschool, you need to be able to understand and follow the law in your state, and you need to be able to read and use the resources for getting started with homeschooling. We call that Homeschooling 101.
Good luck helping your daughter with her education! She is fortunate to have a concerned mom who is looking at all the options.
Hi Jeanne,
My daughter was being home-school through the school district in WA. On April 27, 2018 I informed the school in person and by email that I am withdrawing my daughter from school. My father had surgery and has experienced some complications. I am currently out of state and helping with the care of my father. I filled a private affidavit with the state of California even though this is temporary.
When my husband went to request my daughters records the school tried to have him sign a form that she is being home school in WA. Even though he told the school staff why I am out of state.
The next day my husband called to inform me that school sent a certified letter saying that my daughter is currently truant and the school district has started the truancy process.
Since I am currently in California and have complied with Ca home school laws. Does Washington have any jurisdiction to continue the truancy processes or is this a scare tactic.
I did email the school and requested my daughters student records as the principal of the private school I created.
Any advice that can be provided is much appreciated.
Hi Chris,
I am not qualified to offer legal advice, but from a layperson's perspective, I'm guessing that this may be a problem of "residency." In general, we homeschool under the laws of the state in which we officially reside. Visiting someone, no matter what the reason or even for an extended period, does not mean we homeschool under the laws of the state we're visiting. We homeschool under the jurisdiction of the state where we live.
If you want to homeschool under California's law, you may need to treat the situation as a move rather than just a withdrawal to homeschool. From your school division's perspective, your daughter is neither in school nor is she homeschooling under your state law, which could equal truancy from their administrative point of view.
Showing evidence that you are homeschooling under a different state's laws may not be sufficient - and essentially the school division action is telling you it is not sufficient for them. You may have to show you have moved out of state and established residency in your new location.
Another option would be to file the paperwork to homeschool legally in the state that is your official residence, in this case, Washington.
I'm not an expert on either states' homeschool or residency laws, but in general, a "temporary" stay in another state does not make you unaccountable to your home state's education requirements.
All this said, truancy is a legal situation, and you should consult with an attorney if you need legal advice.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad's difficult recovery, and I know that combining caregiving and homeschooling is challenging. I hear that you felt you'd be following the law by homeschooling the California way while you are temporarily in California, and I'm sure that dealing with blowback from that was unexpected. Best wishes for working all this out.
is it possible to finish ninth grade in 3 month?
Hi Lidia,
Yes, it's possible. Homeschooling can be incredibly efficient. You can read about that here:
How long homeschooling takes depends on the approach you take to homeschooling and whether your child is already accustomed to homeschooling.
Not all homeschooling "looks like" school. In fact, some people do not even separate homeschool years into "grades," although short-term homeschoolers most often do.
However, it's important to keep in mind that short-term homeschooling during the high school years may NOT result in credit that will transfer BACK to public high school. Public high schools often do not give credit for work done at home.
In particular, if a child was in school for six months and then homeschools for the last three months, it's highly unlikely any public school will award credit for that. You can read about the pros and cons of homeschooling high school here:
If your child plans to homeschool through high school, that's not a problem. Your child can receive a diploma from you. You can read more about that here:
So yes - it's possible it could be done - but you need to be sure it would serve your purpose.
My daughter has one semester of 8th grade left and I want to homeschool her this last semester. Is this possible?
Hi Dee,
There are a few things to consider. Many 8th graders are taking several classes for high school credit. These are most commonly algebra and foreign language. If your child is enrolled in high school classes in 8th grade, and you withdraw to homeschool, the public school will likely NOT count those credits in high school.
You should also consider your state's laws. Homeschooling is administered state by state, and there are different rules for withdrawing in the middle of the year. Check with your state homeschool organization or experienced homeschoolers to find out what the law is. Be sure you file any necessary paperwork and keep copies, if your state requires that (and not all do).
Good luck!
I will be "homeschooling" my almost 3-year-old for approximately one month later this year due to a health procedure (for his father) that precludes daycare attendance and renders a temporary nanny logistically impossible. I understand a toddler is a bit young for "school", but I am at a loss as to how to keep him engaged day in and day out, particularly when I am also the primary caregiver for my husband. That's how I find myself here. Are there lesson plans for children that young?
Your situation makes things more difficult since you will be caring for his father, but you might find this post about curriculum for a 4-year-old helpful that I wrote a few years ago. Focusing on play is the best thing you can do with preschool age children. 🙂
What are the rules of when you homeschool for 3 years then your child goes to school 1 day and doesn't want to go back. Do you have the right to sign them out. I can't get any answers about his. I live inDillsboro indiana
Hi Deborah - Since homeschooling is regulated by the state, it is best to turn to state organizations for answers to questions like this. TheHomeSchoolMom provides general resources to homeschoolers, but doesn't have the resources to answer questions specific to each state's requirements. Our Indiana local homeschool organizations page might be able to point you in the right direction, but there is no substitute for reading the relevant statute(s) yourself. When you know the law, you are empowered when talking to local officials.
Hi, I'm wanting to homeschool my 1st grade special needs son and I'm wondering. Do I have to pay for a home school program like k12?
Hi Kristen - Although state regulations vary, you should not have to purchase an all in one program. I suggest getting in touch with local homeschoolers in your area either through social media (Facebook has tons of homeschool groups by locality) or in person groups (you can look on TheHomeSchoolMom for a local homeschooling group). Homeschoolers in your state can give you the best information about meeting your state's homeschool regulations, but you should also read the statute for yourself for your state.
Best wishes on your homeschool journey!