A History of US by Joy Hakim is a popular 10 volume set that presents American history in a series of interwoven narratives and biographies. Whether it's standing on the podium in Seneca Falls with the Suffragettes or riding on the first subway car beneath New York City in 1904, the books in Joy Hakim's Continue reading »
Social Studies Curriculum Reviews
Abeka provides a complete line of traditional Christian educational materials that have been developed and refined over a period of 50 years in the classrooms of Pensacola Christian Academy. The resources are available in physical and digital format and include textbooks, workbooks, readers, and videos. Products can be purchased individually or as grade level kits. Continue reading »
Big History
Big History is a FREE, online, secular social studies course for middle school and high school students. The Big History Project is a joint effort between teachers, scholars, scientists, and their supporters to bring a multi-disciplinary approach to help students explore the past, make sense of the present, and look to the future. The course Continue reading »
BJU Press
BJU Press offers both curriculum for purchase and a distance learning solution. The texts cover all core subjects with a Christian worldview, critical thinking, and hands-on learning.
Build Your Library
Build Your Library is a secular Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum created by Emily Cook that takes a literature approach to educating children in art, history, literature, science, and language arts. Full-year general homeschooling grade level products are available for Kindergarten through grade 12. Build Your Library also offers multi-age unit studies using well-chosen popular Continue reading »
Core Knowledge Foundation Curriculum
"The Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™ provides comprehensive, content-rich learning materials based on the Core Knowledge Sequence. Student readers, teacher guides, activity books, and other materials are available for Language Arts, History and Geography, and Science. Materials for Math are in development." The downloadable curriculum is available at no cost with free registration; teacher guides are Continue reading »
History Odyssey/History Quest
History Odyssey/History Quest offers secular full-year history courses for students Grades 1 through 12. History Quests and Odysseys are broken down into three levels to support elementary, middle, and high school students. Level One (grades 1-6) offers four year-long courses coordinating age-appropriate reading books, blackline maps, activities, craft projects, art projects, cooking, and coloring. Level Continue reading »
Moving Beyond the Page
Moving Beyond the Page is a comprehensive homeschool curriculum that covers science, social studies, and language arts. Its project-based curriculum covers preschool through about 10th grade and is designed for gifted, creative, and hands-on learners with an emphasis on critical and creative thinking. Continue reading »
Mystery of History
Mystery of History employs a classical (using rhetorical teaching techniques), chronological (instead of thematic) and Christian approach to teaching history. The Mystery of History is written from a Christian, young-earth, perspective, teaching children to see God's hand throughout history...and how the Gospel of Jesus is the mystery behind all of history. Written in a conversational Continue reading »
Spectrum offers supplemental workbooks in the following subjects: Math, Early Childhood Reading & Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Testing. The materials are grade appropriate, but there are not materials for every grade.
The Story of the World
This extensive collection of texts, workbooks, tests and recordings presents the history of the world from ancient times to the modern ages as a series of narratives. Told in a straightforward, engaging style that has become Susan Wise Bauer's trademark, The Story of the World series covers the sweep of human history from ancient times Continue reading »
Thinkwell Math
Thinkwell's multimedia products in math, science, and social science integrate technology, art, and video with great teaching to produce a new path to success for students.
Time4Learning.com is an online education program that teaches preschool through twelfth-grade curriculum in an interactive, online environment. Time4Learning combines 1000+ animated lessons, printable worksheets and graded activities to teach math and language arts lessons correlated to state standards. Science, social studies, and art are also provided as bonuses for most grades.
Torchlight is a literature-based, secular curriculum for learners ages 4-13. The curriculum is delivered digitally, with each PDF including daily and weekly lesson plans with prep pages for 36 weeks of instruction. Torchlight also uses specially curated books that can be purchased online, at a local bookstore, or borrowed from your local library. Parents are Continue reading »
Under the Home
Under the Home offers studio art, art history, music, mathematics, reading, writing, prose, and poetry for grades K-1 as well as science, geography, and history for grade 1. They will be adding grades 2-5 over the years 2017 & 2018. As of January 2017 the price is $30/year.
Working from the idea that literature communicates powerfully to young minds, WinterPromise developed a curriculum that is strongly literature-based. This offers parents the opportunity to do less teaching and more "learning together" with their children. This "Learning Together" method has the additional benefit of requiring almost no preparation for the parent, preserving as many moments Continue reading »