Grammar Galaxy is a secular language arts program for elementary students in grades 1-5. Concepts are presented in an entertaining easy-to-understand story format, with literature, vocabulary, spelling strategies, grammar, composition, and public speaking covered in the stories. Students are then asked to save the galaxy from an evil gremlin by completing activities in a workbook Continue reading »
Subject Curriculum Reviews
Handwriting Without Tears
This program uses fun, entertaining, and educationally sound instructional methods to teach handwriting to all students: pre-k through cursive. The lessons require minimal preparation time. According to publisher’s materials, the program "follows a developmental teaching sequence by teaching easy letters first, beginning with capitals and then teaching letters in groups of similar stroke sequence. When Continue reading »
History Odyssey/History Quest
History Odyssey/History Quest offers secular full-year history courses for students Grades 1 through 12. History Quests and Odysseys are broken down into three levels to support elementary, middle, and high school students. Level One (grades 1-6) offers four year-long courses coordinating age-appropriate reading books, blackline maps, activities, craft projects, art projects, cooking, and coloring. Level Continue reading »
HomeLife Academy
HomeLife Academy is a non-traditional K-12 private school and ministry that was founded to give homeschoolers and their parents educational access and support from anywhere in the world. They allow parents to teach what they want, on their own schedule and in a style appropriate for their child. Although they do not provide curriculum or Continue reading »
Homeschool Buyers Club
The Homeschool Buyers Club is the world's largest buyers club for homeschooling families. Founded in 2005, they are a business dedicated to providing top-quality curriculum at the lowest price possible. The Club combines the purchasing power of thousands of homeschooling families around the country to give homeschoolers the same purchasing clout as school districts. They Continue reading »
Homeschool Tracker
Homeschool Tracker gives you flexible record keeping, planning, and reporting online. With reusable lesson plans and the ability to plan an entire year, or just go day-by-day, this online system takes the pain out of planning.
Horizons is a brightly illustrated, engaging workbook curriculum filled with consumable lessons and hands-on activities. Designed with fast-paced lessons, Horizons uses a spiral learning method to help your student master concepts through the process of introduction, review, and reinforcement. This learning method allows students to quickly grasp difficult concepts in a colorful, motivating format. Available Continue reading »
How Wee Learn Unit Studies
How Wee Learn unit studies are designed to ignite curiosity with an interesting fact and discussion question at the start of each of ten sub-topics. Afterward, you can enjoy a recommended book and YouTube video together. After that gentle introduction to the sub-topic, it's time for engaging hands-on activities and other enrichment in the deep-dive Continue reading »
Ignite Christian Academy (formerly Alpha Omega Academy)
Ignite Christian Academy is the K-12 online school of Alpha Omega Publications. With multiple start dates each month, your family can decide when to begin enjoying the assurance of an accredited private school. Ignite Christian Academy also includes incredible teacher support and individualized learning plans, as well as dual credit for college and graduation ceremony Continue reading »
Independent Study High School (University of Nebraska)
University of Nebraska's Independent Study High School is an accredited distance learning school that awards high school diplomas. There are more than 80 different subjects that can be pursued. The courses are delivered over the internet and email. Students must accumulate 20 credits to graduate.
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Institute for Excellence in Writing is DVD based instruction that provides videos of actual writing instruction. The course includes workbooks. Each level is good for one to two years of instruction. Courses are offered to train instructors to teach students, actual writing instruction for students or combination packs.
International Connections Academy
International Connections Academy (iNaCA) is a K–12 online private school that students attend from home. iNaCA brings a fully accredited U.S. education directly to your family’s door—anywhere in world.
With resources for Pre-K to 8th grade, IXL Math is a good site for practice and drill. While the site also has a paid membership that includes comprehensive coverage of math skills, the free access provides plenty of interactive practice on a variety of skills arranged by age and topic. The coverage meets state standards Continue reading »
The K¹² International Academy is an accredited, private online school that offers the world-renowned curriculum from K¹², the market leader in online curriculum programs for grades K-12. K¹² also offers a virtual public school; be sure you understand the difference as the virtual public school is under the umbrella of a local school district.
K5 Learning
K5 Learning offers an online math and reading program for kids from kindergarten through grade 5. Kids complete an online assessment of 8 key reading and math skills, and then work independently and at their own pace through over 3,000 lessons and activities. The lessons are animated, interactive and simple enough that even a 4 Continue reading »
Kaplan High School
Kaplan High School (KHS) is a private, online high school for students in grades 9 - 12. Programs are individually designed to support student's specific goals through a menu of more than 75 courses, including a full range of core curriculum, advanced placement, and honors classes. Students aspiring to attend a university have access to Continue reading »
Key to… Series
These standard math workbooks for 4th to 12th grade students provide those students the key to basic math-skill mastery. Key to… workbooks are classroom-tested and proven successful with students at all levels. The workbooks are grouped into broad subject areas like measurements, fractions and algebra and may be purchased separately or a la cart starting Continue reading »
Konos is a Christian unit study curriculum help that is based on character traits. Many families use it for all but the three Rs, and others use it simply as a curriculum supplement. For more information on Konos... Continue reading »
Laurel Springs School
Laurel Springs School is an innovator and pioneer in online education that provides a flexible learning experience for students, from kindergarten through 12th grade and beyond, establishing foundational pathways for academic, career, and personal success. Engaging global learners in a private school education that values them as individuals, Laurel Springs offers a diverse curricula of Continue reading »
Learning Language Arts Through Literature
According to the publisher, Learning Language Arts Through Literature "is a fully integrated language arts program that teaches grammar, reading, spelling, vocabulary, writing mechanics, creative writing, thinking skills and more. For example, a basal program may teach adjectives separately from other skills. The student may be asked to fill in blanks with adjectives and circle Continue reading »
Liberty University Online Academy
Liberty University Online Academy (LUOA) offers courses for online classes for K-12 students, including Dual Enrollment for high school students. Courses are taught with a Christian perspective and an emphasis on individualized learning. Class instruction is administered in an online format. Lessons are interactive and designed to stimulate student interest, engage students in the learning Continue reading »
Life of Fred Math
Life of Fred, written by Stanley F. Schmidt, Ph.D., is a series of math books that are based on the story of 5 year old math genius Fred Gauss. Once children have mastered addition, subtraction and the multipication tables, they are ready to begin using Life of Fred, which carries the student from fractions through Continue reading »
Logic of English
Logic of English is based on the Science of Reading and includes instructions for reading, writing, spelling, grammar, and handwriting. The program offers a range of options that include printed books, PDFs, video instruction, active learning games, interactive online practice, music, and more.
Magic Forest Academy
"Magic Forest Academy is an engaging nature based educational program that is both secular and affordable." Appropriate for both full curriculum or as a supplement, the individual nature-themed unit studies are filled with reading, math, science, art and craft, games, recipes and more. As of this writing, only Stage Two for ages 7-12 is available, Continue reading »
Master Books
Master Books offers curriculum and homeschooling resources from a young earth Christian perspective. Their curriculum is based on "a Charlotte Mason inspired approach to learning with living lessons, captivating pictures, engaging stories and assignments." Master Books is now the publisher of Knowledge Quest geography resources and the resources are included in the Master Books curriculum Continue reading »
Math Mammoth
This is a collection of texts and worksheets that can be mixed and matched to meet the needs of the student. The goal of the publisher is to provide materials that “help parents and teachers teach math so our children and students can really understand what is going on.” The materials are prepared in such Continue reading »
Math with Confidence
Designed as a parent-friendly math program, the Math with Confidence program includes: Short, hands-on, and fun lessons Lots of games, pretend activities, and real-life contexts Complete coverage of all grade-level math topics Open-and-go format so you can pick up the book and start teaching Friendly, approachable notes and tips that help you grow as a teacher Checkpoints at Continue reading »
This is a hands-on curriculum that uses workbooks, videos and manipulative blocks to teach math concepts. Students learn how to perform math operations and understand why they are performing those operations so they can apply them to everyday life. The program was described in 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum by Cathy Duffy as "easier Continue reading »
McGraw Hill Science
McGraw Hill Science has one book per grade that covers grade-appropriate units. Each book is attractive with compelling photographs as well as explanatory charts and graphics. Books include unit tests and worksheets.
McRuffy Press
McRuffy Press creates and publishes curricula for Preschool to grade 5 for Language Arts (with phonics, reading, spelling, and writing skills), Math, Science, and Handwriting. McRuffy Press provides complete subject area packages with teacher's guides, workbooks, reading books, resource material, and manipulatives for an integrated and hands-on approach.
Miacademy and MiaPrep
Miacademy offers both core subjects and electives for grades K-8 in an online program. Subscriptions are available for individual students or families (includes 4 student accounts) on a monthly or lifetime plan basis. MiaPrep is a separately available high school curriculum with optional online school enrollment.
Michael Clay Thompson Language Arts
Michael Clay Thompson Language Arts includes Grammar, Vocabulary, Poetry, and Academic Writing with a heavy emphasis on root words and deep LA content. It is written especially for gifted learners (but usable by all). Lots of author and publisher online support with user forums.
Moving Beyond the Page
Moving Beyond the Page is a comprehensive homeschool curriculum that covers science, social studies, and language arts. Its project-based curriculum covers preschool through about 10th grade and is designed for gifted, creative, and hands-on learners with an emphasis on critical and creative thinking. Continue reading »
MUZZY is a language course for children from the BBC. MUZZY employs a natural immersion approach, modeled on the way all children learn a first language which emphasizes the use of functional language, repetition and "spiraling." In MUZZY, words and concepts are first introduced, and then introduced again and again in many new contexts. Animated Continue reading »
My Father's World
My Father's World is a full package curriculum (math & language arts are from other vendors) with a Christian perspective that, like Sonlight but less intense, has history as its backbone, and relates the rest of the curriculum to it. It was originally created for missionaries.
Mystery of History
Mystery of History employs a classical (using rhetorical teaching techniques), chronological (instead of thematic) and Christian approach to teaching history. The Mystery of History is written from a Christian, young-earth, perspective, teaching children to see God's hand throughout history...and how the Gospel of Jesus is the mystery behind all of history. Written in a conversational Continue reading »
Northgate Academy
Northgate Academy is a For-Purpose organization dedicated to changing the way that students learn. The school offers accredited online high school programs based on a Christian worldview.
Oak Meadow
Oak Meadow has offered innovative, creative, and independent learning materials for homeschooling families around the world for 35 years. Oak Meadow offers both a complete, creative, and well-rounded curriculum designed for homeschooling families and a distance learning school with teacher support and full academic credit.
Online G3 classes
Online G3 is an online class provider for humanities instruction. It is geared to gifted/advanced learners working at a middle school or high school level. It also has a sister academy for upper elementary ages, Athena's Advanced Academy (Online A3):
Pinwheels Program
"Pinwheels [by Rooted in Language] is a comprehensive literacy program for new readers and writers . . . Within each level of Pinwheels, children learn to use their verbal language skills to strengthen their new literacy skills, layering speaking, listening, reading, and writing for a comprehensive understanding of language arts. "Across Pinwheels, students will develop Continue reading »
Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs is an online reading resource with hundreds of online reading lessons and thousands of e-books for 2-13 year olds who are learning to read. The content contains interactive animations, fun games, great songs and lots of rewards. It supports each child’s learning by offering individual, one-on-one lessons that allow children to progress at Continue reading »
Real Science 4 Kids
Real Science 4 Kids is a worldview-neutral curriculum that focuses on real science and gives your kids the tools to evaluate both philosophical and religious perspectives. It was designed by a homeschool mom, Dr. Rebecca Keller, who has a PhD in Biophysical Chemistry. The curriculum covers chemistry, biology, physics, geology and astronomy. Dr. Keller's philosophy Continue reading »