This curriculum is divided into levels rather than grades and features extensive use of hands-on materials. The course is workbook-based and employs a great deal of interaction with an abacus and other counting skills. The publisher says that incorporating the abacus into the training allows the teachers “to provide a visual, auditory, and kinesthetic experience” Continue reading »
Homeschool Curriculum Reviews Curriculum Reviews
Robinson Curriculum
Created by Dr. Art Robinson to homeschool his children after the death of his wife, the Robinson Curriculum is known for allowing children to self-teach. Children using this curriculum are able to advance at their own rate through learning of skills and facts whether or not their parents have this knowledge - and to do Continue reading »
Rosetta Stone
"Rosetta Stone Homeschool is a powerful learning tool that provides students with an immersive, interactive and engaging language-learning experience while also giving parents the tools and resources needed to track and manage student progress. Utilizing a variety of immersion techniques and administrative features, the software accelerates language learning and provides quantifiable measurements of success. Rosetta Continue reading »
Saxon Math
According to its publisher, “Saxon Math is the only major math program on the market today that systematically distributes instruction, practice, and assessment throughout the academic year as opposed to concentrating, or massing, related concepts into a short period of time--usually within a unit or chapter. Saxon Math's approach to math instruction ensures that students Continue reading »
Saxon Phonics
Saxon Phonics provides comprehensive solutions to teach reading that target foundational skills using a unique research-based method. The curriculum includes a multi-sensory approach that engages the visual, auditory, and tactile senses. Saxon Reading is based on current research that indicates that the most successful phonics programs include daily oral language activities, phoneme play, immediate follow-up Continue reading »
Sequential Spelling
Sequential Spelling uses spelling lists which build on words to help children spell bigger words. For example, if they can spell stand, they can spell understand and misunderstand and misunderstanding. The sequences are not based on grade level curriculum. The sequences are based on building from easy words to advanced words as from all, tall, Continue reading »
Seton Home Study School
Seton Home Study School offers both curriculum resources for Catholic families and online courses. Seton's Home Study School is an accredited school offering diplomas to high school students. Seton Home Study School is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. They are also internationally accredited by AdvancED (of which SACS is a member), Continue reading »
Shurley English
This curriculum was specifically written for Homeschool students K through 7. Materials for each grade level are sold in a kit package. A kit contains everything needed to teach one child for an entire school year. Each kit contains a Teacher's Manual, a Student Workbook and a Audio CD. Bible-related activities, writing assignments, and sentences Continue reading »
Sing, Spell, Read and Write
Sing, Spell, Read and Write is a learning-to-read curriculum that uses a 36-step program of carefully sequenced systematic, explicit phonics instruction to build fluent independent readers. Using look, listen, point, sing-along, and echo routines along with gross motor and fine motor activities, the program actively engages the senses and effectively reaches all types of learners. Continue reading »
Singapore Math
Singapore Math is a curriculum modeled on the way math is taught in Singapore. Children in Singapore traditionally score highly in math when compared to those in other countries. Singapore method is demanding and relies heavily on mastery of the material. There are textbooks, workbooks, manipulative and teacher’s guides for each grade run from $9 Continue reading »
Sonlight Curriculum provides quality, literature-rich K-12 Christian homeschool curriculum and related educational products, resources, and programs. Sonlight is a Christian company specializing in literature-based homeschool curriculum programs which selects engaging books and readers that cover topics such as Bible, history, language arts, handwriting, math, science, and more. They provide complete homeschool curriculum packages and individual Continue reading »
Spectrum offers supplemental workbooks in the following subjects: Math, Early Childhood Reading & Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Testing. The materials are grade appropriate, but there are not materials for every grade.
Spelling City
SpellingCity offers a fun and easy way to practice spelling words and vocabulary. Teachers and parents can create their own spelling lists, save lists, share lists or use those already provided. Students enjoy the benefit of hearing the 43,000+ words and sentences spoken by a “real” human voice. Users have a variety of options available, such as the ability to see spelling words in flashcard format, hear them spoken by a real human voice, play games with the words, and even take practice spelling tests. With each created list, a student has the option to: Teach Me, Test Me, or Play A Game. The "Teach Me" option allows students to reflect on each word of their spelling list while the list and coordinating sentence are being read aloud. The "Test Me" option allows students to take a test from any spelling list at any time. This test option gives the students the ability to hear just the word or have a sentence read. The "Play A Game" option allows students to play a variety of learning games with any spelling list. SpellingCity offers learning games such as HangMouse, Word Search, Unscramble, and many more. Continue reading »
Spelling Power
Spelling Power gives your children the opportunity to master the 5,000 most frequently used words at their own pace — in just 15 minutes a day — using research-proven strategies. Everything you need to teach your entire family is found in the one "Big Orange Book". Spelling Power is written by a home educator for Continue reading »
Spelling Wisdom
This is a series of books designed to teach spelling using the Charlotte Mason method. Both British and American versions are available. Each book gives dictations out of what they describe as 'the writings of great men and women of history' using 6000 of the most frequently used words in the English language. The child Continue reading »
Starfall offers both a free online phonics/reading program and a (fee-based) reading/language arts curriculum that is "magical, creative, sequential, integrated, and combines content area instruction in Social Studies and Science - that's kindergarten, the Starfall Way. Starfall uses fantasy as a springboard for motivating children to use their natural sense of wonder and curiosity to Continue reading »
Supercharged Science
This is a complete hands-on online science curriculum for homeschoolers taught by Aurora Lipper, a former Mechanical Engineering instructor at Cal Poly University. It is designed to be totally kid-friendly so that you can just point your kids to their next science lesson. The curriculum includes videos, texts, homework, a teleclass featuring the textbook author, Continue reading »
Tapestry of Grace
Tapestry of Grace is a unit study style, classical, core curriculum for History, LA, Geography, Philosophy, Fine Arts, Bible/Church History, Government. It has both printed or digital options and covers material on a four-year cycle with four classical levels.
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is a complete, step-by-step program that shows parents simply and clearly how to teach their children to read. Twenty minutes a day is all you need, and within 100 teaching days your child will be reading on a solid second-grade reading level. It's a sensible, easy-to-follow, Continue reading »
Teaching Textbooks™
Teaching Textbooks™ is a math curriculum based on 3 easy steps: watch the lesson, do the problems, and watch a tutor explain the ones you missed. Teaching Textbooks™ were designed specifically for independent learners (they focus on teaching/explanations). From the website: A Teaching Textbook™, with its approximately 700 pages of text and 120 - 160 Continue reading »
The Keystone School
The Keystone School is an online high school and middle school offering flexible and engaging school programs open for enrollment year round. Keystone offers over 120 online high school and middle school courses all supported by certified teachers. Students can enroll full-time to earn an accredited online high school diploma or part-time to supplement a Continue reading »
The One Year Adventure Novel
This writing curriculum takes an original and highly creative path to teaching elements of literature and creative writing. In this course students learn characterization, plot, setting, theme and conflict--all the traditionally taught elements of literature, but not taught in the traditional manner. These elements are learned in the context of writing their own adventure novel. Continue reading »
The Story of the World
This extensive collection of texts, workbooks, tests and recordings presents the history of the world from ancient times to the modern ages as a series of narratives. Told in a straightforward, engaging style that has become Susan Wise Bauer's trademark, The Story of the World series covers the sweep of human history from ancient times Continue reading »
The Well-Trained Mind
The Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer is designed to give your child "an academically rigorous, comprehensive education from preschool through high school with the step-by-step instructions in The Well-Trained Mind, resulting in the ability to read, to think, to understand, to be well-rounded and curious about learning."
Thinkwell Math
Thinkwell's multimedia products in math, science, and social science integrate technology, art, and video with great teaching to produce a new path to success for students.
Time4Learning is an online education program that teaches preschool through twelfth-grade curriculum in an interactive, online environment. Time4Learning combines 1000+ animated lessons, printable worksheets and graded activities to teach math and language arts lessons correlated to state standards. Science, social studies, and art are also provided as bonuses for most grades.
Times Tales
Times Tales is a story-based mnemonic for memorizing multiplication tables. The system includes a large flip book and small flip book to help students learn the multiplication tables from 3x through 9x.
Torchlight is a literature-based, secular curriculum for learners ages 4-13. The curriculum is delivered digitally, with each PDF including daily and weekly lesson plans with prep pages for 36 weeks of instruction. Torchlight also uses specially curated books that can be purchased online, at a local bookstore, or borrowed from your local library. Parents are Continue reading »
Under the Home
Under the Home offers studio art, art history, music, mathematics, reading, writing, prose, and poetry for grades K-1 as well as science, geography, and history for grade 1. They will be adding grades 2-5 over the years 2017 & 2018. As of January 2017 the price is $30/year.
Video Text Math
This program uses new, interactive, video-based strategies to teach Algebra and Geometry from start to finish. The main components are the “videotext” (the video lessons), and a workbook. The video serves as the textbook. Each module is around $100 and there are multiple modules for each course in Algebra and Geometry. Entire courses can also Continue reading »
Visual Latin
Visual Latin is a video-driven Latin homeschool curriculum taught by veteran Latin teacher Dwane Thomas. It’s quite unique. Three short videos are paired with three sets of worksheets to guide students from grammar concepts, to practice sentences, to reading in Latin. The goal is to enjoy learning Latin and strengthen students' understanding of English grammar Continue reading »
Weaver Curriculum
The Weaver Curriculum is a unit-based, Bible-centered homeschool curriculum for grades PreK-12th. The curriculum uses the same daily Bible theme as a foundation and then creates lessons for each student. Students are then studying the same main subject at the same time with individual lesson assignment geared to each student's grade level. For example if Continue reading »
Wild Math
Wild Math is a secular math program focusing on integrating the outdoors and natural materials to teach math concepts. Grade level programs are written for grades K through 5th, with each level designed to be completed in an academic school year. This program is a digital product with samples available for each grade level. There is a list Continue reading »
Working from the idea that literature communicates powerfully to young minds, WinterPromise developed a curriculum that is strongly literature-based. This offers parents the opportunity to do less teaching and more "learning together" with their children. This "Learning Together" method has the additional benefit of requiring almost no preparation for the parent, preserving as many moments Continue reading »
Wordly Wise
This curriculum addresses what the publisher calls the "growing consensus among educators regarding the need for direct teaching of academic vocabulary in a systematic program." The course involves kindergarten through grade 12 vocabulary series that includes reproducible tests and an online test generator. The entire program introduces over 3,000 words, and exercises become more challenging Continue reading »