Homeschooling in Iowa Quicklinks
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Local resource listings are for informational purposes only. Listings have not been vetted and do not imply endorsement by TheHomeSchoolMom.
Kids Nature Club is an on-going program that meets the first and third Thursdays of the month. Stories, crafts, games, and hiking are all part of the programs. Explore science, natural history, and natural resources through activities, stories, crafts, and games.
How to be prepared: – Closed-toed shoes – Water Bottle – Sunscreen -Dress for being outside
Locations- Vista Room; Pavilion; Overlook Pond; or Eddy Woods
Nature Club Tots (ages 2-6). Meets from 10:30-11:30 am.
Nature Club Kids (ages 7 and up) . Meets from 9:00-10:00am.
Resources: | Academic Enrichment (Academic classes, tutoring, testing, etc.) |
Area served: | Dallas Center |
State(s): | Iowa |
Website: | Kids Nature Club |
Location: | 25141 260th Street, Dallas Center, IA 50063, USA |
Homeschooling in Iowa Quicklinks
Resources Homeschool
Groups Conferences
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Sports Field Trip
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