Homeschooling in Pennsylvania Quicklinks
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Local resource listings are for informational purposes only. Listings have not been vetted and do not imply endorsement by TheHomeSchoolMom.
A Christian homeschool organization that believes God has brought us together to encourage us as we homeschool our children. We provide opportunities for our children to socialize and interact with other homeschool families. We also provide support and prayer for our families through various activities, meetings, fellowship, and field trips.
Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers’ co-op meets 10 weeks in the fall and 10 weeks in the winter/spring on Thursdays at the Lancaster Alliance Church. The co-op days are divided into three 45-minute periods. Classes are taught on a volunteer basis by our parents. All members are required to serve as a helper/sub during two of the three periods, except teachers who only serve one period.
Resources: | Local Homeschool Co-op |
Area served: | Lancaster |
State(s): | Pennsylvania |
Website: | Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers |
Homeschooling in Pennsylvania Quicklinks
Resources Homeschool
Groups Conferences
& Events Co-ops
& Classes Arts &
Sports Field Trip
Destinations Jobs &