As a growing number of families choose to homeschool their children, curiosity about the homeschooling movement has grown.
Learn about homeschooling, including how homeschooling works, what the requirements to homeschool are, how to start homeschooling, what curriculum to use for homeschooling, how to make a homeschool schedule, and more.
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What Is homeschooling?
Homeschooling is an education option in which parents direct their children's education rather than enrolling them full-time in a public school or private school. Homeschooling parents take charge of their children's education through learning at home, joining co-ops, hiring tutors, participating in academic clubs, taking community college classes, and much more.
Homeschooling is parent-directed and/or child-directed education that allows for a personalized education plan. Some homeschoolers may take advantage of part-time enrollment offered through public or private schools while others may entirely opt-out of institutional education.
As formal preschool has become more popular, more parents who do not send their kids to preschool also refer to this as "homeschooling" in preschool or pre-K, but the term usually refers to students educated at home from kindergarten through homeschooling high school.
What are the pros and cons of homeschooling?
Homeschooling is widely known for its flexibility, allowing parents to help children learn in the ways that work for each child. Parents and kids do not need to follow the conventions of school when they're homeschooling; they can customize, choosing their own curriculum or approach. Homeschooled kids are widely accepted at colleges and in the workplace.
There is a wide range of advantages of homeschooling, from building positive family relationships to homeschooling through illnesses and challenges. Families often find that the advantages of homeschooling include:
- academic benefits
- mental health benefits
- benefits in social development
- benefits in physical health
- benefits in special circumstances
- and even homeschooling benefits for parents!
Be sure to check out our extensive discussion of the benefits of homeschooling.
Families do need to consider that homeschooling may affect specific situations, particularly in high school:
- The Virginia High School League (VHSL) prohibits homeschooled students from participating in high school athletic programs in the state.
- New York's "preliminary education requirements," which do not prevent homeschoolers from graduating from high school or enrolling in college, but are required in some form before a student can graduate from college. Since at least one of the options must be completed while the student is still of compulsory school age, it is imperative that homeschoolers know the education laws of their state and of any state where they may wish to attend college.
- Transferring homeschool credits into a public high school may not be possible. Most families commit to homeschooling through high school graduation if they plan to homeschool high school.
For families who want the flexibility, academic benefits, efficiency, and opportunities that home education can offer, homeschooling is a natural choice.
Homeschooled graduates can be admitted to college, join the military, get good jobs, start businesses, and live creative lives.
How do I get started homeschooling?
Typically, homeschooling starts with notifying the local school district of the intent to homeschool. Like public schooling, homeschooling is regulated by the state so parents need to know what is required (if anything) in your state.
Getting connected with local homeschoolers is the best way to learn more about local requirements as well as find out what activities, classes, and events are available nearby.
To start homeschooling, jump in with our How to Homeschool guide.
What are the requirements for homeschooling?
Homeschooling is legal and accepted in all fifty states in the United States and in many countries around the world. In the United States, homeschooling is regulated by the state, so homeschool laws are unique to each state.
Some states have no requirements; others might have requirements such as:
- Keeping attendance to show compliance with compulsory attendance law
- Notification/letter of intent to homeschool to the school district or superintendent
- Achievement tests or evaluations
- Naming your homeschool
Find more information about your state homeschool law through your state’s homeschooling organization.
What about planning and choosing curriculum for homeschooling?
Parents can choose their homeschool curriculum, taking into account their overall approach to learning, their children's strengths, the amount of one-on-one time they can provide, their children's age and stage of development, and what their child enjoys doing. Some homeschoolers use a curriculum similar to what is found in schools, but many do not. Parents are free to choose the curriculum resources that best meet the needs of their family.
Homeschoolers have the freedom to do what works. They don't need to follow the education laws for public schools, and in the U.S., they don't need to follow any one specific approved or accredited curriculum.
Some states and countries have more regulations than others regarding what parents have to do to meet the home education law; however, in general, one of the benefits of homeschooling is that parents have the freedom to customize how their children learn. This includes freedom to choose their approach and the resources that will be used.
Homeschooling families can typically learn on any schedule that works for them.
How do I create a homeschooling schedule?
Some families have weekly schedules that look like school schedules, but most homeschooling families use the flexibility of homeschooling to create a weekly schedule that is customized for them. Take a look at some of the effective homeschool schedules that Jeanne Faulconer has seen in her work as a homeschool evaluator (you'll also find printable examples of common schedules).
Can someone else homeschool my child?
What if you want your kids to be homeschooled, but you can't or don't want to be the person who is personally homeschooling them? Laws vary on this depending on where you live, which parents should consider, but many homeschooling parents outsource parts of their kids' homeschooling, since the kids take classes, participate in co-ops, and work with tutors and mentors.
If you're looking for someone to provide part or all of your children's home education, read Can Someone Else Homeschool My Child?
Are there grade levels in homeschooling?
Grade levels were developed for schools, where numbers of students have to be moved through years of curriculum. While school is standards-based and grade-level-based, homeschooling can be potential-based.
Homeschooling allows parents to optimize the resources based on the child’s potential and aptitude, rather than on grade placement. It offers students the ability to step out of an environment focused on “appropriate grade placement” and into an environment where institutional goals give way to engaged learning at the right level of challenge.
It is not unusual for a homeschool student to work at different grade levels in different subjects. Students are able to excel where they are ahead and work at a relaxed pace where they need to spend more time on a subject.
You can read more about grade levels in “Homeschooling and Grade Levels (Or … Relax)”, as well as about "When Grade Level Matters."
What types of homeschooling styles do families use?
There are many ways to homeschool, with the different approaches referred to as homeschooling styles or types of homeschooling. Different styles work for different families because their situations and their children are different.
One family may love an approach that doesn’t work at all for another family. People often start out with one approach and evolve to a different approach, or they combine aspects of several different styles and call themselves eclectic homeschoolers.
A word of warning: it's not unusual for new homeschool parents to try to replicate school at home when first homeschooling; they often switch approaches when they encounter resistance.
What is deschooling?
A surprising factor in the adjustment to learning at home is the idea of deschooling. Both parents and children need to transition to learning outside of the school classroom that is the predominant method of education today.
Experienced homeschoolers recommend a period of deschooling before homeschooling, and they suggest that families continue over time to get "school defaults" out of their heads so that learning outside of school will flourish.
What are online schools and hybrid homeschool programs?
In some states, there are various "hybrid homeschool" options due to families combining some elements of homeschooling with classes and programs offered by public schools, private schools, charter schools, colleges, and online schools.
Some hybrid models are illegal in one state while legal in a neighboring state. Not all hybrid models of education are considered homeschooling by all homeschoolers, even if the education is mostly taking place within the home. That hasn't stopped some from calling these newer combo-types of education hybrid homeschooling instead of hybrid education.
Parents should understand whether the resources they choose—particularly online or virtual schools— are independent or put them under the purview of the local public school district. Virtual schools might be not clearly be labeled as virtual public schools or public charter schools.
How do you get a homeschool diploma?
Families can print a diploma at home or order a professional version online. High school diplomas are simply certificates for a wall, while transcripts are the official documentation of high school grades and courses.
Homeschool transcripts are an accepted form of documentation showing that the student graduated, and schools and employers wanting proof of graduation will most often ask the graduate for a copy of their transcripts.
For more information about homeschooling high school, how to count high school credits, what transcripts are, and how to create transcripts (plus a free transcript template), read “Homeschool Transcripts Explained.”
Do homeschoolers have to take the GED exam?
Although there are rare occasions when a homeschooler might need or want to take the GED exam, most often homeschool transcripts are a better and accepted choice. Four-year, junior, and community colleges all accept homeschool transcripts as proof of courses taken.
Nevertheless, homeschoolers should plan ahead as they enter high school. Researching the requirements of colleges, trade schools, unions, the military, or any other post-high school path that might interest them is necessary to ensure compliance with requirements.
This is particularly true when the student’s future path might include college sports, trade schools, or other less common paths where additional testing or specific programs might be required.
Why do people homeschool?
The main reasons people homeschool are concerns about the environment in schools and dissatisfaction with academic instruction. NCES has collected data on why people are homeschooling. According to their 2016 education report,
When asked to select the reasons parents decided to homeschool their child, the highest percentage of homeschooled students had parents who said that a concern about the environment of other schools, such as safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure was one reason to homeschool (80 percent). The highest percentage of students’ parents reported that among all reasons, a concern about the environment of other schools was the most important reason for homeschooling (34 percent). Seventeen percent of homeschooled students had parents who reported dissatisfaction with academic instruction at other schools as the most important reason for homeschooling, while 16 percent reported a desire to provide religious instruction as the most important reason for homeschooling.
How many homeschoolers are there in the U.S.?
Homeschooling in the U.S. has grown considerably. In 1999, only about 1.7% of students aged 5-17 were homeschooled; by 2012, that number had doubled to 3.4%. [Source]
The disruption to public schools caused by school closings, virtual learning, mask mandates, and more led to record-breaking numbers of families choosing to homeschool at the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, “By fall, 11.1% of households with school-age children reported homeschooling.” [Source]
How can grandparents support homeschooling?
Our Grandparent Guide to Homeschooling gives grandparents concrete ideas for how to help without interfering and suggestions for how they can further build their relationships with their homeschooled grandchildren. Others in a homeschooling family's support network might also find the Grandparent Guide helpful if they are participating in a material way.
More homeschooling answers
Didn’t find the information you were looking for here? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to other questions you might have about homeschooling.
NCES, “Homeschooling in the United States: 2012“ ( : accessed 30 September 2021)
U.S. Census Bureau, “Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey Shows Significant Increase in Homeschooling Rates in Fall 2020 ( : accessed 30 September 2021)
NCES, "Parent and Family Involvement in Education: Results from the National Household Education Surveys Program of 2016,” pg. 4 ( : accessed 30 September 2021)
Hi there. I have tried the public and private sector for my children. I just don't have any optimism. I have tried many tools and formulas, but I only get one chance to raise my children. I'm ready to let go of the frustration and anxiety. I have a 4-year-old and seven-year-old. I was wondering how to school 2 children at once.
Thanks for your time!
One thing that works for many families with kids this age is to do math, handwriting, and phonics/reading practice with separate resources based on skill level but to do everything else together: science, social studies, read alouds, nature study, physical education, music, etc. You can often aim "down the middle" with those subjects and see that younger kids will learn at their ideal level and older kids will learn at their ideal level. You could add projects for the older kids or crafts for the younger kids no matter what the topic in social studies, for example.
Even when working on skills, they might be able to do some of it at the same time. For example, kids could do handwriting practice at two different ages using different amounts of work or different resources while sitting at the same table with the parent. Math, when it requires parental instruction, might be something the parent has to take turns with in helping the children one at a time.
Also, with a 4 and a 7 year old, the 4 yo really does not need and may not benefit from formal homeschooling yet, so you would be starting off with just one to homeschool for a year or two.
Good luck!
Looking forward,
Thank you for this section. My granddaughter isn't quite 5 yet. Right now she lives with her mother half of the time, and with her father half of the time. If she is homeschooled will they split custody still? Will one parent homeschool her half of the time and the other parent homeschool her the other half? Or will she be homeschooled at only one home, which will mean the other parent won't get her as much? The reason I ask is because the mom is afraid to homeschool her because she would like to limit the time at her fathers. Which a public school would do just that. So I was hoping homeschool would be no different. I just wanted to add some context so you would know what I'm asking. Thank you. I should say he is a great father, and she's not trying to limit his time. It's the grandparents that watch her while he's at work is the problem.
Parents sharing custody are responsible for agreeing on the educational choices for their children, whether that is homeschooling or enrolling in public school full-time. The commitment to one or the other benefits the child in terms of consistency, prevents logistical challenges, and avoids entanglement with potential truancy issues (homeschooled children are not subject to truancy laws, but public schooled children are). While some public schools allow partial enrollment for higher grades, this is on a per class basis, not a per day basis, and would not apply to young children. The decision to homeschool does not in and of itself change anything about a custody arrangement (although parents could potentially agree make changes to the custody arrangement to accommodate homeschooling).
my daughter, 14 years old (9th last year), dropped out of high school. I registered her to homeschool. She went there for several months then stop. I am hoping you can help to register my daughter to home school.
Hi Ashley,
Homeschooling legally most commonly means notifying state or local education officials that you intend to help your child learn at home. The process to homeschool is not really called "registration," and state laws for homeschooling vary in all 50 states. In some states, you don't even have to notify anyone. In other states, you have to notify and show annual evidence of progress. Check state resources to see what the law is where you live.
That said, I'm not sure what you mean about having registered to homeschool and that she "went there." Homeschooling is typically at home, so there is no place that a child or teen would go.
Your child may have been in a public education program such as a charter school that offered a lot of time at home and was thus called "homeschooling" even though students may have met for classes in person a few times a month or each week.
Your child may have been in a homeschool co-op or university model school that you registered for in your community, or perhaps you are talking about her attendance at an online school or alternative school.
I'm not sure which option you used when your child attended for several months, but you will need to look into the schools and homeschool co-ops in your area to see what you can register for. Unfortunately, we can't help with individual program registrations among the thousands that exist across the U.S.
I do hope you find what you are looking for.
Looking forward,
Thank you for sharing all the needed facts about homeschooling.
We are in a bit of an usual situation (at least it seems like one to us). We currently live in Delaware. Last year (2020-2021) we homeschooled our daughter for the entire fifth grade. She is now in sixth grade at our local middle school (2021-2022).
She did very well as a home schooler and is doing really well in the middle school.
By end of March 2022, we plan to leave Delaware and return to Los Angeles (where we lived about 10 years ago) to be close to family once again.
We would, therefore, like to have her finish out sixth grade as a home schooler (rather than dropping her into LAUSD during the final months of the school year).
Do you have any information about what the process would be so that our daughter can complete sixth grade via home school and be ready for in-school learning in the seventh grade (i.e., we want to make sure she is legally promoted from sixth to seventh). Would she be promoted in California since we'll be living there? Or would she be promoted in DE? Or some kind of hybrid? We really have no idea and I have not been able to get a straight answer from our school.
Thank you!
Hi David,
It's wise of you to consider these questions ahead of time so you can plan accordingly. Since your daughter is not in high school, the transition should be fairly straightforward. While we cannot advise on specific school district policies or state homeschooling statutes, typically the process would be to follow the notification policy for homeschooling in your new location when you arrive in March. Where I homeschooled in Virginia, that means sending a notification of intent to homeschool to the county school administrator within a reasonable amount of time after arriving. You will need to determine what that notification policy is for your new location; state homeschool organizations are a good place to go for this information.
Since the grade transition happens between the academic school years, the move from one grade to another would happen in your new location. In the fall, you would register your daughter with the appropriate school district as a public school student the same way any new student in that district would register for public school. As we note in our post "When Your Child Goes from Homeschooling to Public School," school is in charge of school, so the school decides what grade the child will enter when returning to public school. This is not usually a problem if the student has not fallen behind, but be aware that the school administration may ask for documentation of work performed, test scores, or other proof of progress.
We suggest that homeschoolers also notify the administrator of the old school district of your move so that they are not expecting to receive any further communication from you. While not usually required, this helps them close the file on the student and prevents future issues if you were to ever return to that school district.
I was doing some research on homeschooling and I'm glad this page was the first one I came across. It has literally everything I needed to know
I'm glad you found it helpful!
Hi I am truly interested in homeschooling my daughter who will
Be a junior. Is it too late? Worried this will affect her college acceptances. This is all very new to me. I live in Florida and there is a great virtual school not sure what the difference is. Any suggestions how to do more research?
Hi Simone,
My older daughter went to a private high school for 9th and 10th before we decided to homeschool for the rest of high school, so it's definitely not too late. Virtual school is actually public school at home, which is a significant difference from homeschooling. You'll want to read about the pros and cons of virtual schools before deciding whether to use it.
We have lots of resources on the website for homeschooling high school; these will get you started:
College Admission Requirements: Homeschooling High School
Homeschool Transcripts Explained
Bad News/Good News of Starting Homeschooling in High School
Resources for Homeschooling High School When Mom’s Not the Expert
Homeschool to College: Outside Evidence
I hope that helps!
So I have the same kinda question as her, but I am a junior right now and am three fourths of the way through the year. I go to river valley highschool and they have the block schedule so I have completed 4 classes this year and am half way through the last four... I was wondering if I would need to redo those classes or if I would continue from where I am... also the main reason I want to do homeschool is to be able to go at a faster pace and just finish highschool... I want to work more hours and the sort so I can start working on my business I want to start sooner and I can focus on building it rather than having to worry about school....
Hi Brendan - generally you will need to supply transcripts for all schools you attended if you ever need to provide official transcripts, so those would still show on your transcripts from the public school (probably as incomplete if you pull out mid-year). It is not necessarily a negative to have an incomplete, but it's important to know that they would show that way.
If your parents are willing to homeschool you and choose a flexible program, you would be more able to work at your own pace and possibly finish earlier (or have more free time to work on your business even if you don't finish early). I recommend looking over the posts I shared in my comment to Simone above and sharing them with your parents. Good luck!
Wow this site is great, lots of information. We have a question, can a non resident with legal status be homeschooled? We have Investors visa and our son will get his student visa soon, he´s 16 and he´ll be in his last year of high school in our home country, Costa Rica. Can he be transitioned to homeschool in Tennessee? Is there any help to get started for people like us that are not customed to homeschool since that´s not possible in our country?
Great website!
Hi Gustavo - TheHomeSchoolMom isn't able to give advice on homeschool regulations since homeschooling in the US is regulated by the state and not federally. Our decentralized way of regulating education in the US makes for a lack of consistency in homeschool laws, and adding in a student visa adds an additional layer of serious considerations.
If I were in your position, I would check with the US State Department (as the agency issuing the student visa), the local school district in Tennessee, and your country's consulate for answers. Being on a student visa may come with requirements that affect the ability to homeschool, and running afoul of student visa restrictions could have serious repercussions.
If you find out that homeschooling is a possibility for your son, you should also consider what he may need in terms of proof of graduation when he returns to Costa Rica. If he finishes high school by homeschooling, he will not have a government-issued diploma or transcripts. You as the parent would be the one issuing the diploma and transcripts. If your country doesn't recognize homeschooling, that could potentially be a problem if he wants to enter college there or get a job.
Your question is a good one, and I would love to know what you find out. Enjoy your time in the United States, and best wishes to your son, whichever schooling option he ends up using.
Bless you and your knowledge! I have been researching homeschooling for over a year now. Why your site has not popped up until now is a shame. You have fantastic, useful, well written information here. I greatly appreciate you! Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words, Cheri!
I just wanted to say I enjoy your writing style and have learned lots from the great information on your website. Much appreciated!
I'm glad TheHomeSchoolMom has been helpful to you!
hello my name is Kimberly Orellana I am a mother of two girls I have a 12 year old and a 9 year old I was just approved to start home schooling my nine year old daughter I applied to home school her and now it was approved I am not sure were to start my daughter wqs being bullied in school and she got her ankle broke at school and I need some help to start the home schooling process any suggestions you can email me. I am needing help don't know where to begin thanks again
Hi Kimberly,
Congratulations on becoming a homeschool mom! I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's experiences in school, and I hope homeschooling will bring her healing and progress. Here at TheHomeSchoolMom, we don't provide help by email, but we provide information in our articles. Click through on the various links to get to articles that will help you get started. If you need hands-on, local help, look for state and local groups that may have volunteers who can talk to you. Sometimes a local librarian may know another homeschool mom who is willing to talk with you, too. But really, there is a ton of information on our site, and sometimes you just have to give yourself time to breathe and absorb the new information as you read.
Best wishes for happy homeschooling,
I have just started homeschooling my 13 year old daughter and would like to find out information on social activities with other homeschooled children in our community.
Hi Judith,
TheHomeSchoolMom has a tab in our top menu for "Local and State." If you click on that tab, you can find a dropdown list for co-ops, activities, conferences, homeschool groups, classes, and more. You can also often find local activities by joining a Facebook group of homeschoolers in your area, asking your state homeschool group for their listing of local groups, or by searching on Many libraries know about homeschool activities. Drop by and ask them where the homeschoolers are!
Good luck!
Hello i want to know more about this program..
TheHomeSchoolMom doesn't offer homeschool programs; however, we have a great Quick Start Guide to Homeschooling that will answer your questions about getting started.
I need to get my child in school as possible.e
I work full-time are there educators that my child can go to.
Hi Carmen,
We have an article called Can Somebody Homeschool My Kids that will cover your questions about this. You may also be surprised to know that people do work and homeschool. Sometimes people use regular childcare during school hours and focus on learning outside of work hours, on nights and weekends.
I am homeschooling my son due to his speical needs he learns at a elementary level and i think it is better for him to be home schooled .can you tell me do you have rescources for child with IEP.
Hi Loretta,
Here is a link to a page listing articles about children who have special needs.
I am interested in homeschooling my children any info would be great.
I'm interested in home school for my 8th grader would like to know more and cost per semester's
Hi Tameka,
To know more, click on the links within this Homeschooling 101 article, so you can become more informed about homeschooling by reading more. Additionally, since you have an 8th grader, you should read about the good news and bad news about homeschooling high school. As for the cost, this is different for every family, and I do mean completely different. Some people create their own program of learning using just the library and online resources, and it only costs the price of internet service. Other people purchase expensive all-in-one curricula that can cost thousands per year. Some people pay hundreds for certain classes but otherwise homeschool without spending much money. Some people live in states with charter schools or home learning options that may be funded and regulated by public schools. In other states, such hybrid models of education are not allowed. You should ask your local school division if they have options besides attending the brick and mortar school.
Finally, while we can't give you an estimate on how much homeschooling your 8th grader will cost, we can tell you a bit about homeschooling on a budget and where to find free and inexpensive resources.
The cost of homeschooling your 8th grader will depend on your approach to homeschooling, as well as the cost of specific programs, classes, or resources you choose.
Hi Tameka - You'll find lots of helpful information throughout our site. Our Quickstart Guide to Homeschooling is full of helpful information and links to topics like deschooling, finding the laws in your state, how to start out right, and more. Best wishes to you on your homeschool journey!