Presidential Facts about William Howard Taft
William Howard Taft - 27th president of the United States serving 1 term, from 1909 to 1913.
Vice President - James Schoolcraft Sherman
Born - September 15, 1857
Died - March 8, 1930
First Lady - Helen Herron Taft
Party - Repubilcan
William Howard Taft is from Ohio.
Learning Resources
- Y—Young (PreK-3rd)
- M—Middle (4th-6th)
- O—Older (7th-12th)
- T—Teacher Resources
American President William Howard Taft
Extensive essays about the personal and political life of William Howard Taft from the Miller Center at the University of Virginia.
Timeline of the Taft Presidency
Timeline of events related to Taft's presidency including links to transcriptions of speeches, laws, press releases, and more
Health and Medical History of William Howard Taft
Detailed and footnoted with sources, this site chronicles the maladies and conditions of each U.S. president as compiled by John Sotos, MD.
William Howard Taft: 60-Second Presidents
From PBS Learning; includes video and support materials for students and teachers
Presidential Podcast: William Howard Taft
"Doris Kearns Goodwin, author of 'The Bully Pulpit,' along with historian Michelle Krowl and Supreme Court reporter Robert Barnes discuss why William Howard Taft made a better chief justice than commander-in-chief." From the Washington Post podcast "Presidential"
History.com: William Howard Taft
This site offers videos, pictures and interactive resources for studying the presidents.
Bell Ringer: President William Howard Taft - Biography (M,O,T)
A brief summary of the life and career of William Howard Taft with discussion questions from C-SPAN Classroom
Portraits of the President: William Howard Taft
From the National Portrait Gallery
William Howard Taft
From Biography.com
William Howard Taft
From White House.gov
Educator Resources from William Howard Taft National Historic Site
From the national Park Service at the Taft National Historic Site