Presidential Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson
Lyndon B. Johnson - 36th president of the United States serving 2 terms, from 1963 to 1969.
Vice President - 1st term: none, 2nd term: Hubert Humphrey
Born - August 27, 1908
Died - November 22, 1973
First Lady - Claudia (Lady Bird) Taylor Johnson
Party - Democratic
Lyndon B. Johnson is from Texas.
Learning Resources
- Y—Young (PreK-3rd)
- M—Middle (4th-6th)
- O—Older (7th-12th)
- T—Teacher Resources
LBJ Lesson Plans
Lesson plans from the LBJ Presidential Library for pre-k through high school.
American Experience: LBJ
Articles and background information for the two-part video series from American Experience. Videos are available at the Internet Archive.
Timeline of LBJ Presidency
This comprehensive timeline of LBJ's presidency includes major events of his time in office with links to transcripts of speeches, executive orders, laws, and more.
American President Lyndon B. Johnson
Extensive essays about the personal and political life of James Madison from the Miller Center at the University of Virginia.
History.com: Lyndon B. Johnson
This site offers videos, audio speeches, pictures and interactive resources for studying this president.
Lyndon B. Johnson
From Biography.com
Lyndon B. Johnson
From White House.gov
Portraits of the President: Lyndon B. Johnson
From The National Portrait Gallery
Presidential Podcast: Lyndon Johnson
"The LBJ Presidential Library director, Mark Updegrove, helps us examine how Lyndon B. Johnson worked his will -- at times darkly -- to get some of the most transformative legislation of the 20th century through Congress." From the Washington Post podcast "Presidential"