Presidential Facts about John Tyler
John Tyler - 10th president of the United States serving 1 term, from 1841 to 1845.
Vice President - None
Born - March 29, 1790
Died - January 18, 1862
First Lady - Letitia Christian Tyler and Julia Gardiner Tyler
Party - Whig
John Tyler is from Virginia.
Learning Resources
- Y—Young (PreK-3rd)
- M—Middle (4th-6th)
- O—Older (7th-12th)
- T—Teacher Resources
American President John Tyler
Extensive essays about the personal and political life of John Tyler from the Miller Center at the University of Virginia.
Timeline of the Tyler Presidency
Timeline of events related to John Tyler's presidency, including links to transcriptions of speeches, laws, special messages, and more
Health and Medical History of John Tyler
This site, detailed and footnoted with sources, chronicles the maladies and conditions of each U.S. president as compiled by John Sotos, MD.
John Tyler: 60-Second Presidents
From PBS Learning; includes video and support materials for students and teachers
History.com: John Tyler
This site offers videos, pictures and interactive resources for studying the presidents.
John Tyler
From White House.gov
John Tyler
From Biography.com
Portraits of the President: John Tyler
From the National Portrait Gallery
Presidential Podcast: John Tyler
"When Vice President John Tyler takes over the White House, he sets a precedent that would forever shape the office. This episode features experts Barbara Bair and Joel Goldstein, as well as descendants who talk about the ghost who haunts the Tyler home." From the Washington Post's podcast "Presidential"
The Enslaved Households of John Tyler
From the White House Historical Association's initiative "Slavery in the President's Neighborhood"
Biography of John Tyler
Overview of Tyler's life from American Experience
Bell Ringer: President John Tyler - Biography
A brief summary of the life and career of John Tyler from C-SPAN Classroom
Bell Ringer: First Lady Julia Tyler, President John Tyler, and the Civil War
"Edna Greene Medford and Taylor Stoemer discuss John Tyler’s role in the South’s secession from the Union and the impact the Civil War had on former First Lady Julia Tyler." From C-SPAN Classroom
John Tyler: An Addiction to Politics
Video-based lesson from C-SPAN Classroom about the life of John Tyler and his "addiction to politics"
Bell Ringer: Life in Virginia for John and Letitia Tyler
"Taylor Stoermer talked about John and Letitia Tyler's life in Willaimsburg, VA and the significance of the location." From C-SPAN Classroom
Bell Ringer: John and Julia Tyler's Relationship
"Harrison and Payne Tyler talked about the impact that a naval tragedy had on the relationship between President Tyler and Julia Gardner and the influence of Julia during President Tyler's term in the White House." From C-SPAN Classroom
Bell Ringer: "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" and the Election of 1840
Tyler ascended the presidency upon the death of William Henry Harrison, who won the election of 1840. From C-SPAN Classroom
Bell Ringer: The 1839 Whig Convention
Tyler ascended the presidency upon the death of William Henry Harrison, who won the election of 1840. From C-SPAN Classroom