Presidential Facts about Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover - 31st president of the United States, serving 1 term from 1929 to 1933.
Vice President - Charles Curtis
Born - August 10, 1874
Died - October 20, 1964
First Lady - Lou Henry Hoover
Party - Republican
Herbert Hoover is from Iowa.
Learning Resources
- Y—Young (PreK-3rd)
- M—Middle (4th-6th)
- O—Older (7th-12th)
- T—Teacher Resources
American President Herbert Hoover
Extensive essays about the personal and political life of Herbert Hoover from the Miller Center at the University of Virginia.
Timeline of the Hoover Presidency
Timeline of events related to Hoover's presidency including links to transcriptions of speeches, laws, press releases, and more
Health and Medical History of Herbert Hoover
Detailed and footnoted with sources, this site chronicles the maladies and conditions of each U.S. president as compiled by John Sotos, MD.
Herbert Hoover and the Bonus March: Presidential Blunder or Necessary Action?
"In 1932, World War I veterans boarded freight trains from Portland, Oregon, to Washington, DC, to lobby Congress for early payment of a bonus that was scheduled to be paid in 1945. On July 28th, 1932, the police, and later the military, put down a riot made up of nearly 60,000 Bonus Marchers. The reactions from the press and Americans were mixed, but mostly negative. What happened? Did this event cost Herbert Hoover re-election? In this session we will explore the Bonus March and Presidential decision-making." From the Hoover Presidential Library for grades 9-12
Herbert Hoover: 60-Second Presidents
From PBS Learning; includes video and support materials for students and teachers; an additional lesson plan based on the video is available
Presidential Podcast: Herbert Hoover
"Herbert Hoover entered the White House with an array of high-profile experiences leading disaster relief. So why was his handling of the Great Depression considered a failure? Biographer Charles Rappleye joins us to discuss Hoover’s handling of the crisis." From the Washington Post podcast "Presidential"
Herbert Hoover: A Resource Guide
A digital collection from the Library of Congress
Using Political Cartoons to Understand Historical Events
Uses political cartoons from the Hoover presidency; from the Hoover Presidential Library
Herbert Hoover: 60-Second Presidents
From PBS Learning; includes video and support materials for students and teachers
Hoover: Feeding the Starving Victims of World War I
From CommonLit, this lesson plan can be viewed without registration, but free registration with proof of age is required to access teacher answer keys.
Herbert Hoover
From White House.gov
Herbert Hoover
From Biography.com
History.com: Herbert Hoover
This site offers videos, pictures and interactive resources for studying the presidents.
Portraits of the President: Herbert Hoover
From The National Portrait Gallery