Explore plant life with lesson plans, videos, activities, and more for Kindergarten through high school.
- Y—Young (PreK-3rd)
- M—Middle (4th-6th)
- O—Older (7th-12th)
- T—Teacher Resources
Teacher Resources
Gardening Resources for Teachers
From Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, these resources are comprehensive guides for using a classroom garden for learning.
Plants: Form and Function
From BioEdOnline.org, these lesson plans are from the Baylor College of Medicine
Food & Agriculture (T)
From Science Journal for Kids and Teens, these articles with lessons are peer-reviewed science research written for kids
Plants for Elementary and Middle Grades
Discover the amazing world of plants. Find out the how plants make food, live and grow. Discover many amazing plants that you didn't know before.
Leaf Chromotology
How can the different pigments in leaves be revealed?
Biology of Plants
Plants are alive, just like people and animals. How do we know this? Living things all do certain things: They grow and die. They need energy, nutrients, air, and water. They produce young. They are made up of cells. They react to what's around them.
Backyard Wildlife Habitat
Summer is the perfect time to turn your backyard into a haven for wildlife. "A Backyard Wildlife Habitat site provides for wildlife the five basic elements needed for survival; food, water, cover and places to raise young along with sustainable gardening.
BBC Bitesize: Plants
Over a dozen plant-related lessons for ages 8-11; additional resources for the same age range include games, lessons, and quizzes
BBC Bitesize: Plants (Y,M)
Plant-related lessons and activities for ages 5-7
The Science of Gardening and Ecosystems
"In [What's Good, a new, six-part video series,] and accompanying series of activities, parents and children will learn what an ecosystem is and how it allows life to survive and thrive. Using the power of observation and interaction, kids will come to understand how the ecosystem affects their everyday lives and the importance of taking care of the environment. Go forth and grow!"
Discovery Science: Plants
"Read a book as a class and rotate through three activities that explore plants: fruit and vegetable matching, seed bombs, and parts of a plant."
Plant Life Cycles
"Students explore the cycles of plant life and compare them with those of animals." For grades K-5
Read-Alouds: Plants
"Read-aloud texts introduce students to the parts of plants and how they grow. Students gain basic knowledge of ecology and the interdependence of all living things." For Kindergarten from Core Knowledge
Needs of Plants and Animals
"In this unit, students learn that all animals need food to live and grow and that they obtain their food from plants or other animals. Students also learn that plants need air, water, mineral nutrients, and light to live and grow..." For Kindergarten from Core Knowledge
Matter Cycling and Photosynthesis
"This unit allows students to observe the phenomena of food and begin to unravel the important processes of photosynthesis and food use by the body." For grade 7 from Core Knowledge
Energy and Matter in Ecosystems (M,T)
"Students will learn that every organism on Earth needs energy to live. Both energy and matter cycle through an ecosystem." For grade 5 from Core Knowledge
Organisms and Their Habitats
"In this unit, students will plan a butterfly meadow that will come back and spread year after year. They will investigate the dependence of plants on air, water, nutrients and minerals, and light for growth, and on the dependence of animals to pollinate flowers and disperse seeds." For grade 2 from Core Knowledge
Plant Structure and Function
"In this activity, students learn how the structure of different plant parts relates to their function."
Collecting and Organizing Facts From Multiple Sources - Flowering Plants
"Students take notes on two videos about flowering plants and organize the information to write a cohesive essay about the topic." For grades 6-8
How Plants Grow
"Tally Ho! Inspired by NATURE CAT, in this activity children will explore cause and effect relationships and what plants need to grow and thrive. Children will be challenged to create projects in PBS KIDS ScratchJr where they make their own plants and trees grow." For grades 2-3
Plants Unit
Unit 7 of Life Science for Middle School covers plant characteristics, classification, life cycles, and more.
McGraw Hill Instructional Materials - Grade 1
This online textbook has an accompanying Activity Lab Book and Reading and Writing in Science workbook. Chapter 1 of each covers plants.
McGraw Hill Instructional Materials - Grade 2
This online textbook has an accompanying Activity Lab Book and Reading and Writing in Science workbook. Chapter 1 of each covers plant life cycles.
McGraw Hill Instructional Materials - Grade 4
This online textbook has an accompanying Activity Lab Book and Reading and Writing in Science workbook. Chapters 1 and 2 of each cover various plant-related topics.
McGraw Hill Instructional Materials - Grade 5
This online textbook has an accompanying Activity Lab Book and Reading and Writing in Science workbook. Chapter 2 of each covers plant structure and functions.
McGraw Hill Instructional Materials - Grade 6
This online textbook has an accompanying Activity Lab Book and Reading and Writing in Science workbook. Chapter 1 of each covers ecosystems and photosynthesis.
Botany Resources for Older Students
Crash Course Botany Preview
Crash Course Botany Playlist
"Over the course of 15 episodes, we’re going to learn about botany—the study of plants. Alexis Nikole Nelson will teach you about how plants evolved, how they function, and just how vital they are to human societies and all of life on Earth. This content is based on an introductory university-level curriculum."
Exploring the Relationship Between Plants and Carbon Dioxide
"Students will observe evidence of the connection between levels of carbon dioxide in the air and photosynthesis by organisms on land and in the ocean through different media representations from NASA. They then analyze and interpret data to determine how this relationship varies by season and by latitude, on land and in the water." For grades 9-12
The Reproductive Lives of Nonvascular Plants: Alternation of Generations - Crash Course Biology #36
"Hank introduces us to nonvascular plants . . . [which] inherited their reproductive cycle from algae, but have perfected it to the point where it is now used by all plants in one way or another and has even left traces in our own reproductive systems."
The Plants & The Bees: Plant Reproduction - Crash Course Biology #38
"Hank gets into the dirty details about vascular plant reproduction: they use the basic alternation of generations developed by nonvascular plants 470 million years ago, but they've tricked it out so that it works a whole lot different compared to the way it did back in the Ordovician swamps where it got its start. Here's how the vascular plants (ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms) do it."
Vascular Plants = Winning! - Crash Course Biology #37
"Hank introduces us to one of the most diverse and important families in the tree of life - the vascular plants. These plants have found tremendous success and their secret is also their defining trait: conductive tissues that can take food and water from one part of a plant to another part."
Plants Unit
Plants unit from GaVirtualSchool AP Biology course