Continent Resources
- Y—Young (PreK-3rd)
- M—Middle (4th-6th)
- O—Older (7th-12th)
- T—Teacher Resources
Continent Fact Files
23-page download with blackline maps and a form to record size/area, number of countries, population, highest point, place with the most people, climate, top landmarks, natural resources, and nearby oceans
Continents, Countries, and Maps
How do we find our way around the world? In this Grade 1 CKHG unit, Continents, Countries, and Maps, students use their newfound map skills to discover our world, and their place in it. The unit begins by exploring maps-looking at different types of maps and how to read them. Students then travel across the seven continents and the four oceans, beginning with North America and the many different landscapes of the United States-its cities, coastlines, mountains and farmlands.
The Seven Continents Scavenger Hunt
Uses Google Earth and picture books. For students grades 1-4
Scavenger Hunt - Oceans and Continents
Quiz on the seven continents and oceans. Includes an answer key.
All About World Geography
Sheppard Software's geography games
National Geographic
Articles and interactive video games
Continents and Oceans Online Quiz
Test your geography knowledge of continents and oceans
Supercontinents 101: Pannotia, Gondwana, and Pangea
An article from covering plate tectonics, the history of supercontinents, and what scientists think the future holds.
Pangea Puzzle
Lesson plan for grades 4-8. Use fossil and rock evidence to reconstruct how the Earth may have looked approximately 290 million years ago when the continents were connected to form a supercontinent called Pangea.
Hands-On Geography Activity: Make a Pangaea Puzzle
A free Pangea printable that you can cut apart for kids to visualize how we ended up with the land masses we have today.
A variety of lesson plans for grades 3-12 covering continental drift and plate tectonics.
How Does the Supercontinent Cycle Work?
If you went 200 million years back in time, Earth was 1 supercontinent. Now, it’s made up of 7 separate continents. This is the supercontinent cycle at work.
What Is Pangaea? Piecing Together the Supercontinent Jigsaw Puzzle
About 200 million years ago, all the continents were together as one giant supercontinent known as Pangaea. Over time, these continents have broken apart.
Continental Drift: A Tale of Moving Continents and Plate Tectonics
Plate tectonics are deceptively slow. It’s just centimeters each year. Continental drift is the idea that continents passively move due to tectonic activity
Continental Drift versus Plate Tectonics
A short article from National Geographic. Includes links to more related articles. For grades 5-8.
Plate Tectonics
This lesson plan from the National Park Service uses the theory of plate tectonics to explore how scientific theories develop. Grades 3-5.