Tracking all courses taken for high school credit helps eliminate surprises before graduation. Our simple high school course planner is a spreadsheet used to track courses taken for credit from 8th through 12th grades.
Although not printer-friendly (it is wide), the High School Course Planner is designed to keep up with course selections and credits over the period of 8th - 12th grade for a single student. Each grade has columns for the course selected (& the provider), the cost of the course, the number of credits, and the final grade.
You could track multiple students in a single workbook if you duplicate the spreadsheet in a new tab.
Each year you can update the planner with the actual data from the previous year, and it will be an excellent basis for creating homeschool transcripts. The final row in the spreadsheet totals the credits for each grade so you can see how many credits the student has and how many are needed for graduation. The file is in XLS format so that you can enter and change data.
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