This post is contributed by Oak Meadow, the sponsor of our Living Education series.
by Amanda Witman, Oak Meadow
At first, particularly if you are new to homeschooling, it may seem like there are no homeschoolers around at all. But chances are very good that they are just hidden in plain sight!
Families in many areas have established homeschool groups that meet for field trips, projects, playtime, and even parent-run classes. Finding them can be the hardest part. Some homeschool groups maintain a low profile to respect or protect the privacy of their member families. So it can be challenging to make that first connection. But homeschoolers, in general, are very resourceful and well-connected, and once you’ve found one local homeschooling family, you may soon hear about others.

Find Other Homeschoolers
Have you wondered about how best to find other homeschoolers in your area? Here are some suggestions for where to look.
Ask at the library. Most homeschooling families develop an active relationship with the local librarian. He or she may be able to connect you with other families.
Put up posters at the community center, grocery store, town office, or other places where homeschooling parents and children are sure to see them. Your poster could say something as simple as, “Do you homeschool? We’d love to connect!”
If your community has an online bulletin board or a local newspaper, you might be able to publish a classified ad or notice. Advertise a playgroup, potluck, or not-back-to-school picnic and see who responds.
Go to the park, indoor playground, or other local kid-friendly venues during school hours on a school day. If you see another family there with school-aged kids, ask them why theirs are not in school. With luck, their reason will be the same as yours!
Although homeschooling is more mainstream than ever, it has roots in the alternative and natural parenting culture. So if you are a secular homeschooler, you might see if you can find like-minded parents through the local natural foods store or parenting groups such as La Leche League. if your homeschooling focus is religious, your faith community is a great place to start.
Sympathetic local or state school officials are sometimes empowered to connect homeschooling families with each other. Inquire with whomever is in charge of homeschool enrollment or registration for your locale.
Seek out regional homeschooling organizations and homeschool conventions, if there are any near you. Attend any local events you can until you’ve made enough connections to sustain you for a while.
Visit local learning centers and attractions such as museums, environmental education centers, aquariums, historical sites. They often have special rates or visit times for homeschoolers, so ask their recommendation on how to connect with other homeschooling visitors.
Put out the word! Let supportive friends and family know that you’re in search of homeschooling connections. They may not know of any local homeschoolers, but they may know someone whose Aunt Martha has a neighbor whose son homeschools in your town. It’s worth a try.
Look online. There are many groups, boards, pages, lists, and websites devoted to homeschooling. (Oak Meadow’s Facebook page alone has over 27,000 followers.) Some homeschooling support boards are for members only; others are public. Some focus on particular regions. You may find one local to you, or you may need to post something specific asking for responses.
Jump right in and talk with people wherever you go! You never know where you might make a connection or get some helpful information.
Don’t be shy about seeking connection, and be persistent if you don’t find it right away! Being proactive is the best way to find community quickly. What resources are there for connecting with homeschoolers in your area? Tell us about the best resources you know of and where to find information. Other families near you will be grateful! How did your family find other homeschoolers to connect with?
Hello, I’m struggling to find a homeschool group that is near Clearwater MN for my 4 and 2 year old. Many of the groups start at ages 6 and up. Are there options for preschooler and or moms with younger kids?
Thank you,
Ashlee phu
Hi Ashlee,
If you haven't done so, please take a look at our local resources.
You might also visit story time at your local library because it's likely that some of the families who attend story time intend to homeschool. Also? Ask your children' librarian. When the weather is warmer, also try to determine whether there are any park days in your area. If there is not a park day for families with younger children, you may want to start one.
Just to provide a little background, in some communities, it's harder to find homeschool groups that include preschool age kids because the children aren't yet of compulsory attendance age. Some groups that have included families who only have kids under 6 end up getting filled with lots of littles who actually go to school at 6, making it hard on friendships and sometimes creating other stresses for groups.
Many times, once you have one school age child, younger kids are welcome to many group activities.
That said, if you create a group for families with preschoolers and toddlers who intend to homeschool, you might find others who are searching for the same thing!
Good luck!
Looking forward,
Hi. We recently moved from Kona to Hilo, Hi. My kids are 13 and 10. We are homeschooling but finding it hard to find friends… would love to meet some people. Thank you.
Check out our local and state homeschool resources to find activities in your area. Also check with your local library; librarians often know the homeschoolers!
I'm looking for a high school home schooling group near me in West Tennessee. My child is very smart and bored at the pace she is learning. She needs more education with interaction with other kids as well. She will be in high school next year.
Janis, take a look at our local and state resources to check out groups near you. Good luck finding a high school group for your daughter!
I am a grandma tasing my granddaughter I am interested in home school I live in Lawrenceville Georgia where can I go for help my granddaughter is in 6 grade and is 11 years of age
Hi Margarita,
If you are looking for local help, Margarita, check out our pages for local and state homeschool groups. You can also ask at your local library if they can steer you to any local homeschoolers. Of course, you can find a lot of information about homeschooling here at TheHomeSchoolMom, such as our article on how to get started homeschooling.
A lot of homeschooling is "do-it-yourself," but I hope you can find someone near you who can suggest local resources.
Happy homeschooling to you and your granddaughter!
My name is Roger Fisher, and I am interested in getting my 13-year-old son, Noah involved with other youth/peer groups with kids around his age. We are currently residing in the Southwest Suburbs of Chicago, and he's currently attending homeschool courses online from a Christian-nationally accredited program. However, my wife and I are in need of him becoming more socially-active since he is not in public school this year around his friends and decided to take a year off of playing basketball from the junior high.
[Email address redacted]
Hi Roger,
TheHomeSchoolMom keeps a list of homeschool groups and organizations, many of which have or know of activities for homeschoolers. You might ask the institution that teaches your son's courses if they have a list of families in your area. Unfortunately, this can be a downside of online courses, especially if the student is enrolled in an "all-in-one" package and doesn't have time or opportunity to meet homeschoolers "in real life."
While I don't know about your area, in many places there are homeschool activities for teens offered at libraries, YMCAs and rec centers, churches, museums, or through local homeschool groups. We moved frequently when we were homeschooling teens, and I often organized teen activities just to meet homeschoolers. All of my sons played rec and competitive sports and were involved in scouting.
I also strongly suggest volunteering. It's such a great way to meet people, even though they may not all be homeschoolers. At 13, he may be able to help with walking dogs at the animal shelter or doing something else in your community where he would meet others.
The teen years are so important socially; I'm glad you are trying to meet his needs!
Hi, I'm trying to find a homeschool co-op in Arlington, TX. My son is 7 years old and he has autism. I would like to find a group for special needs children.
Often statewide groups can be helpful in connecting with nearby homeschoolers. TheHomeSchoolMom has a TX homeschooling page (be sure to check out all the quicklinks in the sub navigation for more NJ resources), and we also recommend searching Facebook for the term “homeschooling” plus your state/city. Best wishes getting hooked in locally!
Hello. I'm trying to find homeschool groups in Toms River , New Jersey. Or in another town close to Toms River.
Often statewide groups can be helpful in connecting with nearby homeschoolers. TheHomeSchoolMom has a NJ homeschooling page (be sure to check out all the quicklinks in the sub navigation for more NJ resources), and we also recommend searching Facebook for the term "homeschooling" plus your state/city. Best wishes getting hooked in locally!
I am trying to find out home-school groups in my area. White or Habersham Countys in Georgia
Hi Donna - Have you checked our page for Georgia homeschool groups? If there is nothing listed, often visiting the website of any statewide groups can be productive. Many states and localities have Facebook groups where the group may or may not also meet in person. I always search Facebook for those as any statewide group can usually point you to local homeschoolers in your area. Best wishes finding a group near you!