Resources for When Schools Are Closed Down
Social distancing requirements, closed school systems, and working from home have combined to bring families suddenly together in a way they may never have experienced. Being suddenly thrust into a situation where entire families are home together indefinitely with no planning is hard enough; trying to also work from home, supervise schoolwork, and care for younger children is incredibly difficult.
Have grace with yourself and your kids—this is unprecedented in modern history, and it's hard on everyone. Keeping expectations realistic will help you to prevent feelings of frustration and failure.
We are seeing lots of parents asking about how to homeschool or help their children learn at home. These resources can help with scheduling, keeping kids engaged, and staying sane during social distancing. Be sure to check out our complete household planner and unit study downloads!

Suddenly Homeschooling: Resources for When Schools Close
Because of social distancing, school systems across the country are closing for weeks or months, and parents everywhere are asking about how to homeschool or help their children learn at home. Short-term homeschooling is not new—it has existed alongside long-term homeschooling for many years, and parents may be reassured to know that this option has worked well for families for lots of different reasons. If you have kids at home unexpectedly, or if you’re advising a family member or friend with kids who are out of school, here are a few things to keep in mind. Continue reading »
Can You Homeschool Temporarily?
Grandparent Tips for Helping with Virtual Learning
Cemetery Field Trips for Social Distancing? Yes!
An Insider Tip For Keeping Kids Focused
Tips for Keeping Children Engaged, Part 1
Tips for Keeping Children Engaged, Part 2
Should You Homeschool?
Suddenly Homeschooling: Resources for When Schools Close
How Will You Change Homeschooling?
50+ Free Educational Resources To Use Online During Social Distancing
A Day in the Life Homeschooling 3 Teens: Homebound Edition
Homeschool or School From Home?