Benefits of Homeschooling Archive
To find out about homeschooling's many unique benefits, visit our comprehensive "Benefits of Homeschooling" page. Our archive of blog posts for the topic is below.
Flexibility of Homeschooling: Adapting When Homeschooling Isn't Working
Is This "Safety Net" Holding Your Homeschool Back?
Building Content During a Skills Lag
Benefit of Homeschooling: Embracing the Wide Range of Normal
What to Remember When Curriculum Doesn't Work
Bad News/Good News of Starting Homeschooling in High School
Eight Ways for Later and Less-Fluent Readers to Build Knowledge
Homeschooling and Grade Levels (Or... Relax)
Should I Continue Homeschooling: Hard Education Choices
Challenging the Advanced Student
Homeschooling at Night: How Nightschooling Can Work for You
Why Homeschooling Boys (and Girls) Works
Benefits of Inquiry-Based Learning
Homeschooling Can Change Your Life
The Freedom of Flexible Learning
Contextual Learning: Homeschooling Through Fashion
The Power of Interest-Based Pursuits and Meaningful Work for Homeschooled Teens
Homeschooling: The Power of Now
Benefits of Homeschooling: Pursuing Passions
Building on Strengths
Benefits of Homeschooling: Efficiency
Office Schooling: One Way to Work and Homeschool
Poetry, Percentages, and Pups
Benefits of Homeschooling: Changing Curriculum, Again